#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews25thJan2017 #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews25thJan2017 #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews25thJan2017 #JohnsonThomas

#Raees(Hindi) Rating: * * ? Purani Genes aur risky prachaar. There’s a ‘#Deewar’ to climb but it’s almost unassailable given the stereotypes & predictability of this exercise. Inspired by #AbdulLateef’s tryst with criminality, this crime saga sets up a one-upmanship contest between the two central adversaries but it doesn’t elevate the overall experience. The 70’s masala potboiler style is too antiquated to get the discerning viewer interested. Production values are extravagant but don’t come across as comely. #SRK lends intensity & #Nawazuddin is able to draw out some sparks but there’s no fire here! #ShahRukhKhan #MohdZeeshanAyub #Mahira Khan #NarendraJha #NawazuddinSiddiqui #AtulKulkarni #SheebaChaddha #GauriKhan #RedChilliesEntertainment #ExcelEntertainment #RahulDholakia #RiteshSidhwani #FarhanAkhtar #AAFilmsNationwide #RamSampath #JavedAkhtar #KUMohanan #HAritMehta #AshishVashi #NirajShukla #SpicePR Runtime: 144 mins

#Kaabil(Hindi) Rating: * * ? kaabiliyat doubtful. It’s blind man’s bluff being played out here. #Hrithik & #Yami play a blind couple but they just don’t seem believable. Serial rapes and a suicide later, Hrithik aka Rohan embarks on a trail of vengeance. And it’s all about him being smarter than the two main villains. Basically a show-reel for Hrithik’s talents, this film is flat , fails at presenting a realistic picture of disability and lacks in understanding of how the differently abled, function. And that’s the pity. I guess #SanjayGupta mad e this film with his Eyes wide shut! #HrithikRoshan #YamiGautam #SureshMenon #RonitRoy #RohitRoy #NarendraJha #SanjayGupta #FilmKRAFT #RakeshRoshan #RajeshRoshan #RakshaEntertainment #SanchitaTrivedi #CommuniquePR  Runtime: 133 mins 


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