#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews20thJan2017 #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews20thJan2017 #JohnsonThomas

#CoffeeWithD(Hindi) Rating: * * A daring though humorless spoof mining a wild improbable fantasy, this first time attempt by #VishalMishra is flat, uninteresting and devoid of satirical lifts. #SunilGrover #ZakirHussain #AnjanaSukhani #RajeshSharma #DipannitaSharma #VinodRamani #GuruSingh #PankajTripathi  #AshwaniShukla #AltairMedia #AabharDadhich #HimanshuKatiyar #AnshulChobay #MohanSachdev  Runtime: 123 mins

#Majaz(Hindi) Rating: * * This formulaic attempt at biopic based on the life of #AsrarulHaqMajazLakhnavi- the renowned pre-independence era Urdu poet commonly known as Majaz Lakhnawi (19 October 1911 – 5 December 1955), is a noble idea but the effort is pedestrian #DreamMerchantFilms #ShakeelAkhtar #MadhuirRahman #RavindraSingh #PriyanshuChatterjee #NeelimaAzim #AnasKhan #MadhiurRahman #RashmiMishra #KajalRaghwani #ShahabKhan #SharibAkhtar #TalatAziz Runtime: 146 mins

#The Founder(English) Rating: * * *  A biopic on the McDonald’s appropriator, this film hopes to give the audience a deep insight into the life-and-times of the man but ends up going soft on his true character thus make this a less than edgy experience. #MichaelKeaton #JohnCarrollLynch #NickOfferman #LauraDern #PatrickWilson #BJNovak #LindaCardellini #JohnLynch #GriffFurst #JustinBrooke #MathiasAlvarez #JohnLeeHancock #JohnSchwartzman #TheWeinsteinCompany #FaliroHouseProductions #FilmNationEntertainment #TheCombine #RobertSiegel #DonHandfield #JeremyRenner #AaronRyder Runtime:115 mins

#TheCrew(English) Rating: * * * A mid-air rescue action adventure, this Russian disaster film has all the chutzpah to make the big Hollywood disaster genre film run for cover. It’s overloaded with high tension drama and extraordinary thrills. #VladimirMashkov #DanilaValerevichKozlovsky #AgneGrudyte #SergeyShakurov #NikolayLebedev #PicturePerfectCommunication #RGStudios #Avinash #Vineet Runtime: 125 mins

#TheByeByeMan(English/Horror) Rating: * * A genre horror flick riding the wave on borrowed plumes, this one appears fragmented and inert. Terror awaits three college students when they unleash a supernatural entity known as the Bye Bye Man. Mere camera tricks fails to work up a frenzy with the fear elements. The saddest thing though is that #CarrieAnnMoss & #FayeDunaway have two bit roles in the film. #Genre #STXEntertainment #IntrepidPictures #LosAngelesMediaFund #DouglasSmith #LucienLaviscount #CressidaBonas #MichaelTrucco #DougJones #CarrieAnneMoss #FayeDunaway #LeighWhannell #JennaKanell #StacyTitle #JonathanPenner #TrevorMacy #JeffreySoros #SimonHorsman #JamesKniest #JenniferSpence Runtime: 96 mins

#OneInABillion(Documentary/SatnamSingh) Rating: * * * An awe-inspiring bio-documentary comes alive on screen through Emmy award winner #RomanGackowski’s  'One in a Billion', a feature-length documentary based on India’s only basketball export to the NBA, Satnam Singh’s, life. #Netflix #SatnamSinghBhamara #DanBarto #BalbirSinghBhamara #IMGAcademy #TroyJustice #OBBPictures #MediaWeaver #RGTV #ShreyaaParekh #MoesArt #HardlyAnonymousPR #AbhishekThukral  Runtime: 69 mins


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