#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews17thMarch2017 #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews17thMarch2017 #JohnsonThomas

#Machine(Hindi) Rating: * ? Where the heart is a machine & murder is blameless- With Bollywood promoting such twisted reasoning there’s no wonder that masses are looking for criminals to save them from the saints! Twisted beyond redemption this one! #AbbasMastan #KiaraAdvani #MustafaBurmawala #UniversalCommunications #ParagDesaiPR #PenMovies #AbbasMastanProductions #ADFilms #EhsanShankar #JayantilalGada #HareshPatel #PranayChokshi #AbbasMustanFilmsProductions #DhavalJayantilalGada #RishabArora #RonitRoy #SupriyaKarnik #JohnnyLever #DaleepTahil #CarlaRuthDennis #ShabbirBurmawala #MridanjaliRawal #SharatSaxena #ViveckVaswani #MayureshWadkar Runtime: 148 mins

#Trapped(Hindi) Rating: * * ? Contrived ‘Castaway’ make believe, this one hangs entirely on #RajkumarRao’s more than able shoulders. This survival story is neither gripping nor tense- just unusual for Indian audiences homegrown on masala. #RajkumarRao #PhantomFilms #VikramadityaMotwane #GeetanjaliThapa #ShilpaHanda #SpicePR Runtime: 102 mins

#Mantra(English/Hindi) Rating: * * ? a family drama that doesn’t ever gather steam, this one touches on several issues but there’s no traction and nothing comes out of it in the end. Seems a little pointless to me! Good performances are a given though. #ParullGossainPR #RajatKapoor #KalkiKoechlin #LushinDubey #KalkiKoechlin #ShivPandit #AdilHussain

#NicholasKharkongor Runtime: 93 mins

#AaGayaHero(Hindi) Rating: * ? why would any actor attempting a comeback do such a hackneyed repugnant and odious project. And why would he produce it himself if he was not desperate? Draw your own conclusions. This one is simply bedlam. At the end you want to ask ‘Kahan Gaya woh hero???’ #Govinda #UniversalCommunications #ParagDesaiPR #MangalTaraTVAndFilms #MeetBros #VickyHardik #RichaSharma #AshutoshRana #MakarandDeshpande #Harishkumar #ChandrachurSingh #PoonamPandey #DipankarSenapati #ArghyaBanerjee Runtime: 123 mins

#BeautyAndTheBeast(English/Musical?Imax/3D) Rating: * * * ? Truly Enchanting, this one. This gloriously old-fashioned, freshly minted re-jig of the fantasy fairytale is a resounding musical with magical trappings and is a dazzling beauty to behold  #EmmaWatsaon #KevinKline #UniversalCommunications #ParagDesaiPR #DisneyFilms #BillCondon #EmmaWatson #DanStevens #LukeEvans #JoshGad #EwanMcGregor #IanMcKellan #EmmaThompson                   #KevinKline #GuguMbathaRaw #StanleyTucci                         #AudraMcDonald  #StephenChbosky #EvanSpiliotopoulos  Runtime: 122 mins

#BeforeIFall(English) Rating: * * ? This Young Adult novel to film goes the #IfOnly & #OnlyTime way fragmenting it’s narrative into several possible scenarios before hitting on the one that best suits the adage ‘Be the Person you are.’ A little too indulgent on the teen behavior front, this one takes a little getting used to and may be tough to stomach –especially for Indian Audiences. #MultivisionPictures #MVP #JitenHemdev #ManishaSuthar #ZoeyDeutch #HalstonSage #MedalionRahimi #CynthyWu #ElenaKampouris #JenniferBeals #RyRussoYoung #LoganMiller #KianLawley #LivHewson #DiegoBoneta #MariaMaggenti #LaurenOliver #MichaelFimognari #AdamTaylor #OpenRoadFilms Runtime: 98 mins


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