#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews14thApril2017 #JohnsonThomas
Johnson Thomas
freelance at freelance Journalist Editor Biographer Feature writer,Film critic Book,Theatre,Art,Culture critic
#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews14thApril2017 #JohnsonThomas
#BegumJaan(Hindi) Rating: * * Hopelessly contrived, implausible ,terribly loud and copiously enervating. The Bengali original by #SrijitMukherjee himself with #RituparnaSenGupta essaying the stellar role was far better with rustic splendor, gravitas performances and nuanced helming working in its favor. This one loses the plot from the beginning itself. And Srijit seems ill-equipped to handle the north Indian transposition brought on to make it more nationwide friendly. Even sincere efforts at acting don’t leave a mark here. The camerawork is completely distended. And the dialogues ..Oui Maa! Sounded like they came from Venus. This begum is likely to drain the jaan out of you! #VisheshFilms #HemaUpadhyay #1HMedia #VidyaBalan #GauharKhan #PallaviSharda #RajeshSharma #AshishVidyarthi #MishtiChakravarthy #RajitKapur #IlaArun #ShreyaSaran #VivekMushran #GracyGoswami #NaseeruddinShah #ChunkeyPandey #Pitobash #FlloraSaini #PriyankaSethia #SumitNijhawan #RiddhimaTiwari #PoonamRajput #RavizaChauhan #SrijitMukherji Runtime: 135 mins
#FastAndFurious8 #TheFateOfTheFurious (English/Imax/3D) Rating: * * ? Not quite the rush we were expecting. This race has no rhyme nor reason to exists save to keep the franchise alive and steaming ahead on reflected glory. #IshaDoshiPR #UniversalPictures #JascintoFernandes #ChandrasekharNeeli #OriginalFilm #OneRaceFilms #VinDiesel #DwayneJohnson #JasonStatham #MichelleRodriguez #TyreseGibson #ChrisBridges #NathalieEmmanuel #KurtRussell #ScottEastwood #CharlizeTheron #HelenMirren Runtime: 136 mins
#Aftermath(English) Rating: * * * Two opposing perspectives from the aftermath of a life-shattering disaster .This is a Drama,a character driven film about both men and their lives from start to finish before and after this tragic accident. This is by no means the best movie of the genre but certainly it is one that’s worth watching. Arnold gives an expressive performance but it’s Scoot who steals the show all the way. #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #ScootMcNairy #MaggieGrace #KevinZegers #LarrySullivan #GlennMorshower #MartinDonovan #HannahWare #JudahNelson #MarianaKlaveno #DanielleSherrick #TammyTsai #ElliottLester #BazingaPR #MeghnaC #PVRPictures #SonyPictures Runtime: 94 mins