Picking At Hairy Things
It was definitely a zig-zagging Monday where I was forced to put various 'hats' on due to the needs and wants of a few of my clients and customers, and my first order of the day once I was settled-in, was to head out to a home and act as an assistant to a window person who finally had time to meet me at a home I have listed and replace a thermal sash that arrived about a week ago, and let me tell you, it was a struggle with getting the old one out, and the new one in. Just for the record, if you have a warranty on windows, they'll normally honor it, but good luck trying to find someone to install the new one, because most of those warranties don't include un-installing the old and installing the new, which after thinking about it, does make sense because most of those companies are headquartered out of State and certainly wouldn't have anyone on call to replace them. That was a job I'm hoping I'll not have to be a part of again, and especially if it's a crank-out window.
Another little duty I had, was to meet the owner of that home I was working on yesterday afternoon, just so I could help her get some boxes taken from the house and placed in her vehicle, and since they were far to heavy for her, I was more than obliging. About half of it is now gone, so hopefully I'll be able to get the remainder in her vehicle later tomorrow morning.
She wasn't very happy when I told her about the guy who was willing to haul off those many large bags filled with refuse, having suddenly decided early this morning, he wasn't interested in the job, so I'll be placing some additional calls tomorrow, just to see if I can find someone who'll do it for a reasonable price. I fully understood her not wanting a dumpster delivered because I've been down that road many times before when discovering the next morning, those 'people of the night' having dug thru boxes and bags looking for their little 'treasures' and walking away with refuse scattered all around the dumpster. I can't remember there being one time where you could get a dumpster delivered early in the morning, and then have it picked up long before the landfill's closing hours. For whatever reason, that's not something they're willing to do.
With another closing coming up tomorrow morning, I headed over to the residence, just to make sure everything was as it should be, and while there, I went ahead and picked up my yard sign. I'm confident we'll have another soft-landing of a closing, and just to make sure, I emailed the agent with several reminders regarding the last minute things buyers oft-times forget about.
I was somewhat happy I didn't have to be out showing homes today because the high humidity from yesterday's rain was making it feel ten degrees hotter than it was, and of course the mosquitos were out in full force, and to the point where they were following me into my vehicle.
While doing some research today, I happened to notice one of our long-time investors ended up selling around twenty of their rental units on contract to an out of State investor, which indeed raised a red flag with me, because those same buyers, purchased about twenty of them last year from another local investor, but those were sold outright instead of carrying contract paper on them. I guess what concerned me the most, was the fact that the owners are living a good four or five hours away, and as we all know, being an absentee landlord is a recipe for failure. There must be something they know that we don't.
During a conversation I was having with a professional, I couldn't help asking the question, “When somebody has so much money, is it normal to just pay a bloated price for something they want without even batting an eye?” As I suspected, he said it happens more than we could imagine because when there's that much wealth, $500K is equivalent to say $5K for the rest of us. I'm definitely not ever impressed by someone's visible signs of conspicuous consumption, and yes, I'm sure the likes of them, are the ones paying $700 for a bottle of 'the good' whiskey.
When seeing an old teddy bear in one of those boxes I was carrying to that vehicle, I suddenly recalled a conversation I had with a woman decades ago. I don't remember how we ended up on the subject, but for whatever reason, she had to tell me about the time her parents gifted her a brand new teddy, and for whatever reason, in less than a day, she had picked all the fuzz from the teddy's bottom, and then went on to share how much she's always enjoyed picking at hairy things. The more she talked about her obsession with 'hair', the more I worked at changing the subject, and right after she announced that she always made her husband shave his underarms on a regular basis, that's when I brought the conversation to screeching halt, because for whatever reason, I just 'remembered' I was ten minutes late for an appointment, and off I raced. Yes, that conversation did take place right here in River City, and unfortunately I still remember how uncomfortable she was making me.
Tonight's One-liner is: The world will step aside for nearly anyone who has the courage of his or her opinions.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/07/22/picking-at-hairy-things/