Picking the BEST eLearning Solution
I am often asked, “What’s the best type of eLearning?” Unfortunately, there’s no one answer to this question because there’s no one best eLearning solution. Instead, we need to start by asking three key questions.
1. What are the goals that you want to achieve with this training initiative? Do you want to accelerate learner retention, increase productivity, or reduce handling times in a call centre? We need to start with the end goal in mind.
2. Who is the target audience? Is this training to be rolled out to a sales team, a group of engineers, or retail customers? The more we know about the target learners, the better…ask me about the “Mike” exercise.
3. How will the learners consume the training? If they are on the road a lot, then we need to design for mobile, but if they are in offices, then desktop or laptop is the way to go…oh wait! What if you have a mix? Let’s talk about it.
If you already have content, we can take it and kick it up a notch for today’s modern learner. Schedule a call with me to learn more!