Picking The Best Design For Your Brand Logo
The product is probably the first thing you think of any large company. There are very few successful companies with no known name, and it is difficult to imagine how a company will grow big by investing in its reputation and making business for itself.
However, most small enterprises and internet companies take little time to develop a strong brand and identity to promote their business. What is the reason? There is also an incomplete comprehension. Not only do many companies and companies fail to understand the functioning of branding; many fail to understand the value of branding as well.
Companies That Have No Name
It’s not hard to find companies that lack brands when you look online – or that haven’t invested the right time or effort into their branding. These are the websites that look horribly bland and generic: probably with dark blue and black writing on a white background. Their company name is something like ‘Johnson and Smith Co’ and their logo is probably some dull blue writing spelling out that company name. and it’s probably a low res JPEG image too.
It doesn’t exactly scream excitement and it calls to mind an image of a couple of burly blokes who put together an uninspired business with no aims of growing. They provide their service, no bells attached and then they move onto the next client.
It’s actually kind of depressing…
Companies with LOTS of
Now think about the companies that have become international names. These companies have exciting names like ‘Apple’, ‘Adidas’, ‘Coca-Cola’, ‘Nike’, ‘Microsoft’, ‘Disney’, ‘Nintendo’, ‘Red Bull’, ‘Starbucks’ and they have interesting and unique logos. Many of these logos have gone on to become almost cultural symbols and are now emblazoned on t-shirts and scrawled onto homework diaries around the world.
The websites are in keeping with this, so are the adverts and even the products conform to an identity. People look for these brands now as a sign of quality and because they know what to expect. Some people even consider themselves ‘fans’ of these brands and get behind 100%. People just don’t feel that way about companies like ‘Johnson and Smith Co’.
Phone Paul Conant at 1-855-544-9666 for more information or send an email to [email protected]!