Pick a value card
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA
President and CEO, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, another lousy golfer, terrible cook
Biomedical and clinical entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity under volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous conditions with the goal of creating user defined value through the deployment of innovation using a VAST business model to achieve the sextuple aims.
Physician entrepreneurs create value, not just companies, and there are many ways to do it: medical practice entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, edupreneurs, intrapreneurs and other roles as well.
But what does "user defined value" mean and how do you measure it?
The healthcare system of any country reflects its values. So does what customers buy, how you conduct your life, who you marry, and many other outcomes.
Our values change as we age. Some strivers who piled up money and status say they’re over the endless hustle and are embracing what they call a “post-achievement†lifestyle with family, health and passion projects taking priority over career accomplishments. How you measure success, happiness or eudaimonic happiness depends on your values at your stage of life.
How do you measure and define values?
Here's how to play the game:
Step 1: Pass out the deck to your target customers
Step 2: Ask them to go through the deck and pick their top 5 values and their least 5 values
Step 3: Create a value proposition that meets their needs and satisfies what they value.
Step 4: Test your value proposition
Step 5: Assess the results, make changes, and repeat until you fail it and nail it.
My values are FIRM:
Freedom, including having FU money
Integrity: leading a virtuous life
Results: it's the outputs, stupid
Doing things that matter and being and working with people who think I matter.
The same applies to career transitioning as we navigate the four career crossroad crises and go from hired to tired to fired to retired to rewired.
If you value what you value and other people value, you are more likely to be happy and successful.
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs on Substack