The Pick Up Artist
I don't see my sister's children enough. Maybe once per week. When her son was born I called him my "Once a month baby". That was as often as I had access to the first grandchild on two sides of the family.
The novelty seemed to wear off with the next child. Not for me. Famously, I held her at his birthday party one month after she was born and a random relative asked "Is she your daughter?" No, she's my sister's daughter. I know how to hold a baby.
Which I learned from her mother. It's strange holding an infant after holding an older child. You don't feel the growth as you carry them. I feel it now. At nine and seven- I pick them up on request.
No worse than carrying heavy packages on my job. I'm used to that. I am not used to those boxes being asked if they can be "Carried like a baby." This woman is taller now and when I carry her like a baby it looks like I am rescuing her from a burning building.
Since I am middle aged- and have been since the day my sister was born- I am asked to do things other adults might find reason not to do. I used to pick up my sister every year for her birthday.
That became a tradition when a detractor said "You can't do it." She was ten. I picked her up. I had to pick her up differently as she aged. Usually I pick a child up under their arms.
At a certain point my sister became extremely ticklish and I might have gotten a thumbful of breast. That was not my intention. Children develop and there is such a thing as puberty. I have a few years before my sister's children will reach that point. Enjoy them while you can.
With children you have to live in the moment. Parents post that when a child turns eighteen, seventy-five percent of your relationship is behind you. Perhaps. Enjoy every time you see them.
At high school graduation- ninety percent of those relationships are over. That probably applies when a colleague moves on as well. That "One more visit" can remind you of everything that was great before.
Even if you are in different places- I have come back around to some that I "Outgrew". Different eras, different priorities. Enjoy every moment you have with anyone. This is not an hourglass. Instead of watching the sand slip away- do something in that time.
Even if it means adhering to the Equal Time rule. If I lift one child I have to life the other. It is strange to carry someone halfway to their destination. I don't want the other one to feel left out. There will come a day when they no longer want to be picked up. Today is not that day.