Pick the right loan program...
Today I am addressing all of my Realtor friends out there with a business tip from a friend of mine. He made a simple statement... "If you want to grow your business then the easiest way to do so is to close a higher percentage of your prospects."
Simple but true. Finding new prospects is time consuming and costly. But closing more of your current prospects is a far smarter use of time. Why do more agents lose so many prospects over financing?
The answer is that they don't know the programs that are out there and how to use them to close more deals. There are loans that...
- Offer down payment assistance
- Zero down for medical doctors
- Allow a buyer to buy a fixer-upper and roll the rehab into the mortgage
- Programs for self employed people that use bank deposits to show income
- Legitimate credit repair that lenders can help with at no charge
- Tax abated properties
- Closing cost assistance programs
- Programs that allow funds to be gifted
- So many more...
Before you give up on that client who is having issues getting a mortgage reach out to your lenders to see what they have that may help. Learn and understand these programs so you can better help your client.
As always... please message me with any mortgage questions you have... if I can't help you I will find you someone who can.