Pick a Card Technique for Panel Discussions
Kristin Arnold
Facilitating and training your teams to achieve extraordinary results, processes, and relationships through in-person and virtual retreats and meetings
“Pick a card, any card!” the carnival barker would call out, enticing passers-by to stop and watch the card trick. Why not use this simple technique for panel discussions to entice your audience to lean into the Q&A segment?
Perhaps you had a very long list of questions during your curating process. You know you won’t get to all of them, so you push some off to the audience Q&A portion. Or you got so many interesting potential questions from the panelists, that you can’t fit them all in. Then again, you may have also received some great questions or responses from the outbound promotional activities. You can take all of those questions and put each of them on an index card.
Once you have your deck of potential question cards, you can approach a panelist and dare them to “pick a card, any card” and they have to answer it! (I always like to give them ONE opportunity to pass it along to another panelist, just in case they need to!) It’s a fun way to inspire intrigue AND get those additional questions answered!
You can also go into the audience and ask an audience member to “pick a card, any card” and have them read the question and direct it to a specific panelist. So much fun, and now you have audience engagement!
But what if you don’t have additional questions that need to be asked? No worries! Here’s a list of generic questions that tend to emerge in panels across various contexts. You can use this list as your potential question cards – and it may even inspire you to create others!
Potential Pick-a-Card Questions
I am sure there are a ton more generic questions to add to the mix. I keep adding them so the next time I want to invoke my inner carnival barker, I can ask my panelists or audience to “pick a card…any card!”
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For more information about how to moderate a lively & informative panel discussion, check out our free 7-part video series on how to moderate a panel and other resources to help you organize, moderate, or be a panel member.
Kristin J. Arnold, MBA, CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, CPF Master is a professional panel moderator and high-stakes meeting facilitator who shares her best practices for interactive, interesting, and engaging panel presentations. She is the author of the award-winning book, Boring to Bravo: Proven Presentation Techniques to Engage, Involve and Inspire Audiences to Action. ?