PICAC Aged Care Updates Nov-Dec
Fortis Consulting
Diversity, Capability, Culture Training and Management consulting services provider.
Nov-Dec Spotlights
Hot Topics
New Code of Conduct for Aged Care in use.
The Code applies equally to approved aged care providers of home care services, residential care, and flexible care services (exclude CHSP service), their governing persons (e.g., Board members and CEOs), and aged care workers. The Code is one of the measures to improve accountability and transparency, addressing the recommendations in Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety final report.
Strengthening provider governance: New notification form for approved providers
From 1st December 2022, approved providers will be required to use a new notification form when meeting their notification responsibilities:?
?? An obligation to notify of changes that materially affect its suitability to be a provider of aged care
?? An obligation to notify of the occurrence of certain events relating to key personnel of an approved provider
From 1 December 2022, providers will be required to notify the Commission within 14 days (instead of 28 days) for changes that occur after this date.
Aged Care Reform Webinar Series Review
Webinars to help providers prepare for the regulatory requirements starting on 1 Dec 2022. Topics cover:?
Star Ratings Provider Manual now available
The Star Rating system is designed to help senior Australians, families, friends, and carers compare services to make more informed choices.
From December 2022, all aged care services in Australia will receive an overall Star Rating between 1 and 5 stars, and ratings for 4 sub-categories:
In this manual, you will understand how the Star Rating system works, how are the ratings calculated, and the requirements on the data providers report to the Star Rating.
Aged Care Funding and Pricing
Home Care Packages Pricing Capping?from 1?January 2023
Caps set the maximum amount a provider can charge. The administration and management charges in the HCP program will be capped in the new year. Care management prices will be capped at 20% of the package level, package management prices will be capped at 15% of the package level.
From 1 January 2023:?
?? Care management will be mandatory?
?? Providers cannot charge for package management in a calendar month where no services (other than care management) are delivered
?? Providers cannot charge separately for third-party services (e.g. brokering or sub-contracting charges)
?? Providers cannot charge exit amounts
It's time to communicate with your clients and look at your pricing strategies! Download HCP Pricing update
We are here to help you!
Do you have any concerns about your pricing or financial health? Are you planning to boost your financial sustainability in 2023? Talk to us and see how we could assist you.
PICAC WA Services
"Diversity: Keys to Culture" Online Self-managed Training
An informative, practical, efficient, and effective online course for Aged Care workers. Delivered in simple English?to make sure your CaLD workers can easily understand!
?? Coming Webinar Series: Aged Care Workforce Capability and Resilience?