Piano Commission Complete
This new necklace was a collaboration between my self, stone carver Elmer Brenner and our client who requested the piano themed necklace.
Elmer created the fabulously hand carved piano from a single piece of stone and then I took over and created the rest of this necklace.
The piano itself is claw set onto a back plate of sterling silver and then finished with three strands of freshwater pearls, Swarovski crystals and hematite beads all pulled together with hand knotted silk cord.
Our client gifted the necklace to his Sister for Christmas. She then wore it to her New Years celebration and was pleased with the fact that "her bosom was strong enough to hold up a piano". Her words, not mine.
Custom work can be very fulfilling when you get to be involved in the finished creation. If you are looking for a special gift for someone special in your life, lets talk.
Roxanne Brown Jewellery, hand crafted, one of a kind.
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