The Pianist: the melody that begs to be listened to

The Pianist: the melody that begs to be listened to

??The crescendo trails, the mezzo confused as the decrescendo begins, and the forte falls, piercing through the gloomy fog which had covered the streets of Warsaw.

??We have unknowingly added some music terms to your vocabulary in my linguistic, artistic, and surely my favorite reader.

Well, could you feel the hurt in the opening line? It was meant to be there.

Well, why the hurt?

Because today we talk about what haunts Roman Polanski to this very day and makes everyone’s skin crawl.

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??The movie as you might already know was set to represent the era when the Nazi cruelty was at its peak, in such oppressing, soul-crushing environment, the movie is a story depicting how a man survives the holocaust in face of such adversities.

??Yes, this is the era that still represents that one huge spot on the fabric of humanity which cannot be covered.

??More than the deep questions that are raised by ‘The Pianist’, the profoundly disturbing truth about human ambition is the lines it would cross to fulfill their selfish needs and the cost that humanity has to pay for the fulfillment of such ambitions.

If you wish to ask and find answers to such questions you can read about the movie here.

and don’t ever forget this iconic quote by Roman Polanski

“If you continue to hate, you are entering into the same philosophy that began the war. You have to look forward at people and new times.”

if you want to know about more such stories, watch this.



