PI - Distressed and High Risk D&C and A&E

PI - Distressed and High Risk D&C and A&E

Servca- Your Distressed and High-Risk D&C and A&E Professional Indemnity Lloyds Broker

As a team we are continuing to better solutions and find solutions for our brokers trickier and harder to place D&C and A&E accounts.

Our team offer expert advice in the Construction sector as a whole, but we really can offer innovative solutions and expert advice in the PI sector.

Minimum Premium: GBP 10,000 +

Limits: Can place limits from GBP 1,000,000 all the way up to GBP 150,000,000 under London Market facilities


  1. Civil Engineers
  2. Structural
  3. Lighting Specialists
  4. Telecommunications
  5. Tunnelling
  6. Rail
  7. High Risk and High Voltage Electrical
  8. Asbestos
  9. Demolition, Scaffolding and Roofing
  10. Basements and Swimming Pools
  11. Underpinning and Piling
  12. Large Building Contractors
  13. Reinforced Concrete and Infrastructure Contractors and Engineers

Points to consider:

  1. Large Contracts Considered, largest client currently working on a GBP 5,000,000,000 Contract for a Bluechip/ 100 FTSE Companies Office
  2. High Risk Locations
  3. Large Losses and Claims – Servca to work with you to discuss risk management strategies
  4. Overseas work catered for, including USA. We can cater for additional subsidiaries and local covers under Global Wordings
  5. Renewable Energy Contracts considered.

Why choose Servca as your Lloyds Broker??

  1. Quick Turnaround
  2. Bespoke policy coverage
  3. Unique Facilities at Lloyds of London
  4. Wording reviews
  5. A Rated and Rated London Market cover
  6. Collateral Warranty Review Service

Recent wins:

  1. Large Telecommunications Contractor – Design, supply and installation
  2. Building contractor working on MOD Houses and Prisons
  3. Large Ground work and RC Frame Contractor
  4. Scaffolder, renewal terms doubled, Servca saved the insured 50%
  5. Tunnelling Engineer
  6. Large design, manufacture and installation of a high range of windows

Give me a shout if you need a hand.

[email protected]


0203 735 7018



