Pi calculation with Elixir
As a programmer one is always searching for better tools, practices and programming languages. For example, working with Clojure makes me a better programmer, it provides me the ability to write functional, succinct code that runs fast and works on the well-tuned and battle-tested JVM. Looking at Clojure, an ideal modern day programming language for me would be -
- Supporting immutable data structures
- Functional
- Concurrent
- Supporting asynchronous & lazy code execution
- Supporting a fast REPL
- Supporting macros / metaprogramming
- Dynamically typed
Clojure surely checks all of the boxes above but I also heard really good things about Elixir and boy I am delighted with what I have seen. Apart from being very Clojure like, Elixir reads mostly like Ruby and the development experience is a pleasure (e.g. super fast REPL load times and extremely helpful error messages).