Physique Building & bodybuilder workouts

Physique Building & bodybuilder workouts

Physique Building is the most optimized, strategic yet flexible program geared toward building one of the most incredible physiques you can possibly dream of.

The discoveries, secrets and tactics I’ve come to know, love and learn over the past decade have all been synthesized in this very program.

Physique Building functions on 2 main premises. That of dieting, and that of training.

This IS the blueprint for maximizing the perfect human body in every way, shape and form.

Now hold on…let me get one thing clear.

This isn’t steroids, nor will it have it’s out-of-this-world anabolic effects.

Few things come close to actual anabolic drugs, and for us natural lifters looking to supercharge our journey toward building the most aesthetically pleasing body to the eye, well then…Physique Building is the only program you'll ever need.

It won’t happen overnight. Remember, this is the blueprint. All the answers, instructions and tools you need for your vision to finally take off and manifest into reality are finally here within this program.

HOWEVER, the secret ingredients are here. Its up to you to put in the work and take action.

I’d be lying if I told you that you can make this happen in a week. This isn’t for the lazy, or for the excuse makers….if thats you, you should probably find another program that caters to those kinds of habits. But...

If you're one of those few souls who truly have the desire to change the course of your life, for the better- to finally get some real, actionable knowledge, to finally experience freedom of choice with foods, to increase your strength and endurance on a WEEKLY basis…and to transform an average, maybe even ‘lazy-looking’ body into a Spartan Warrior of the 21st century or a modern-day Hercules.

Then look no further...



Physique Building Is HANDS DOWN The

BEST Program For Anyone

Looking To Significantly Enhance Their Physique


How to finally gain beyond your wildest dreams (with less chance of injury)

The ultimate formula for getting totally shredded (ch. 6, Physique Building: Food & Diet)

The ONE secret that separates the elite-level physiques from the ‘meh’ physiques

How to get stronger and harder muscles without getting fatter

Discovery #2 That Adds On

Slabs Of Muscle And Increases Strength Weekly:

The principles for my exercise philosophy can be applied by beginners AND hardcore, pro-level athletes.

You’ll be progressively getting stronger week by week. Taking notes as you go, seeing your progress as you look in the mirror.

Don’t be surprised when you see and feel newly found raw and dynamic strength pumping in your own hands and in your clenched fists.

Within The Physique Building "M1" Training Program:

Scientifically proven way to consistently make gains, giving you rock-hard muscles in weeks (regardless of your age or size now)

The power to TRIPLE the size of your pecs, lats, and calves even if you’re a HARD GAINER

Discover the real reason why you’re actually making progress, and why all other programs are pretty much smoke and mirrors

M1 Training Has The Power To Sculpt

Sleeve-Slaying Biceps And Triceps, Rock Hard Abs,

Powerful Piston-Like Legs, A Gorilla-Like Chest And A Back Carved From Stone

Its crazy what a little bit of innovation and action can do.

Fat started to get stripped away and my strength began to rise after a mere few weeks of M1.

The gains were so noticeable that when I looked at my shirtless self in the mirror…my bulging and pulsating veins looked 3D, as though they were constantly surging testosterone throughout my body. I could feel the strength well-up in my hands.

I had begun the process of sculpting an incredible body, this time with the blueprint of Physique Building in the palm of my hands.

M1 was designed by science and years of personal experience on the table.

How so? What’s special about M1 isnt only the hypertrophy-style that's scientifically proven to raise the roof on your testosterone levels and sculpt rock-hard muscle (3), but in the way it’s methodically structured and designed throughout the duration of the program.

Scientific Literature Has Proven:

RDS ‘M1’ Style Of Training Supercharges Testosterone Levels4

The fountain of youth is here...

The secret actually lies within the layout of the weekly program itself..the secret behind making weekly strength and muscle gains along with dropping fat…

You see, this type of training was done by some of the greatest physiques known to man and has now been proven by science to significantly increase testosterone AND grow muscle fibers (5).

It worked for them and it sure as hell blew my socks off as I saw it work for me, too.

Physique Building Is As Good As It Gets

Imagine having your testosterone levels spike on a weekly basis?

This was thought of as nearly impossible to do without the help of anabolic steroids for YEARS. Now, however, this is achievable with the strategies that you apply that are found within Physique Building...which are totally geared for your success.

Most of the strategie within Physique Building, however, are so crucial yet most people miss out on them, leaving them lightyears behind. One of these key strategies is actually found within Physique Building, it's staple within this program…

Ready to hear the secret?

Alright… It’s the Active Recovery Phase (6).

This Active Recovery Phase is crucial for muscular regeneration…and the way its specifically designed in Physique Building enables your muscles to regenerate themselves back to maximal output with its extremely strategic approach...

Allowing for you to continue training while others either quit or burn themselves out.

Without this strategic approach, you will pretty much kill your chances of making gains, leaving TONS of aesthetic muscle on the table, and quite possibly acquire OTS (over training syndrome, on page 35 of Physique Building: Pillars of Success) Following tactics like Active Recovery was absolutely life changing…

After the first two weeks of being on the M1 training program, I started to notice insane pumps, increased strength and a total shift in mood. Two weeks later, my arms had already grown near an inch in size. And it didn’t stop here…

My legs became rock hard and I started seeing separation between my quadriceps.

My chest and back got wider and thicker, without the unwanted back-fat hanging off me, especially in my love handles.

The only downside out of all this is that now, all my shirts are way too tight on me…one sneeze while wearing one of these shirts and they’d probably rip.

Everything you need to know about creating a reallasting, Hercules-like body lies within the pages of Physique Building.

 The 4 exact exercises I did and still do that created an insanely aesthetic physique

 Get the tactic I use in both training AND eating to supercharge your testosterone naturally to raging bull-like levels

Learn how to achieve massive muscles and awesome Samson-like strength (if thats what you want)

The ancient philosopher Socrates once said “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

This is your chance to:

Finally start building those rock-hard diamond calves from the exercises found on page 28-30

Sculpt hard, shredded quads and hamstrings that any Olympic sprinter would envy

Throw in a couple of thick, healthy veins onto your biceps and shoulders

Build, thicken and harden washboard abs of steel into a classic-tapered six-pack

Forge your arms into canons with 2-3 extra inches of dense, chiseled muscle (Bonus chapter)

This is the only program you’ll ever need.

The TRUTH behind building a god-like body lies within the pages of Physique Building

I started to get asked "what the hell are you eating?" from my peers as they were in disbelief after seeing my progress...

To which I replied “pizza and gummy bears”.

Usually I was thought of as crazy when I told people these dietary methods and training tactics.

These concepts completely went against everything they once thought was the absolute truth in fitness and ‘dieting’. You see, most of the people who approached me that were looking for answers were stuck.

They had gone with the traditional non-strategic approaches to adding strength and size, which took them years of pain and confusion.

I could just feel their frustration…I was there once, too.

And unfortunately for some of these people, they feel as though they have totally run out of options. They throw in the towel all together, calling it quits, or they do something that requires drastic measures. They take steroids.

Steroids provide the necessary anabolic muscle-bomb to make crazy gains at an exponential rate.

But that’s where I draw the line…From the beginning, I committed myself to this whole thing as a life-time drug-free athlete.

And I have a feeling that you’d also like to keep your body at optimal health-levels, too.

Now look…this program won’t do what steroids do…you won’t wake up the next day and look like Mike Mentzer or Arnold Schwarzenegger… Nothing in the world, not even the most powerful cocktail can give you those kinds of over-night results.

Instead, you'll be given something far greater with more value than you can think of.

You’ll be leaving the old, suboptimal ways of building an incredible physique (the methods and tactics that take way too long, that get you fat and enslave you with boring diets) and instead you’ll enter the cutting-edge realm of Physique Building.

These legends have delved into


Michael, USA:

“Wanted to share this with you. Starting January you were as kind as could be to share a little bit of nutrition advice.

After implementing your advice, adding more carbs and such, I have seen progress that I am very thankful for. Thank you man, best wishes and be well. Keep inspiring.”



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