Christine Patton
Founder of Power Within | Elite Performance & Resilience Trainer | I help professionals perform optimally with sustained and lasting results
So many of us long for those feelings of wholeness, peace and inner ease as we move through our stressful days, but think that we just do not have the time to dwell on those feelings , much less actually do something about them.
I am reminded of an inspiring talk I once witnessed wherein the subject of procrastination was raised. The speaker’s theory was that we rarely procrastinate because we fear failure (although that has been the reason offered by experts). We procrastinate because WE SIMPLY CANNOT ADD ONE MORE THING TO OUR PLATE!
I get it! I really do. But the choice is what? To continue on the path of stress and burnout until something serious happens, and hope for the best? I hate to break the news to you, but that Hail Mary pass rarely connects for a touch down.
Please know that there are answers to this predicament that are effective, simple and very powerful. You won’t have to give anything up or spend huge amounts of time to develop changes and make headway. I promise.
Perhaps we begin with a basic understanding of how to create a markedly different state within your body – the state that calms your nervous system and makes you feel whole, grounded and ready for anything.
The state to which I am referring is the state of heart coherence. There are times when we experience being in sync and flowing with a sense of ease through our daily activities and challenges. In this state, the things that used to annoy us, just don’t get under our skin.
We feel more able to “take charge” of ourselves and maintain composure throughout any adverse circumstances that come our way. We seem to have more energy, time seems to pass by more quickly and effortlessly and we just flow around our issues. When faced with a direct challenge, we can think more clearly, handle the situation and move on with more stability.
We achieve coherence when the heart, mind, emotions and body are all in sync. As stated before, it is the energetic coordination between the nervous, hormonal and immune systems in the body.
The ability to stay in an inner state of ease and flow is determined by our ability to self-regulate and stop energy leaks. From an energy management perspective, depleting emotions are costly and inefficient. Depleting emotions also diminish our ability to be in charge of our reactions to daily challenges.
You can learn to generate coherent or “smooth” heart rhythms by purposefully experiencing renewing emotions like appreciation, courage and patience. Coherent heart rhythms actually help the brain process information more efficiently. You can think clearly and make better decisions when you are coherent.
Studies have shown that coherence improves the following brain functions:
1) The ability to focus, process information and solve problems
2) Decision making
3) Reaction times and coordination
4) Long and short- term memory
The heart has its own complex intrinsic nervous system called the “heart brain”. This understanding comes from the research in the field of neuro-cardiology. As far back as the 1880’s, it was known that the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart, via the afferent (ascending) nerves present.
Additionally, are you aware that you have neurons (the cells endemic to your brain and nervous system) in the ganglia of your heart? You also have more neurons in your upper gut than in your entire spinal column. You do think with your heart and gut! This cannot be overstated.
So, what is the state of your heart and gut? Are you ready to embark on the pathway to heart-brain balance?
Stay tuned for next week’s instalment of coherence tips and tools…..