Phuket Customs Counterfeit Goods Destruction Ceremony

Just in time for World Anti-Counterfeiting Day, last Thursday, June 7, 2018 officials from Phuket and Krabi customs lead by Mrs. Kanjana Suwachino, Phuket Customs Office Chief, destroyed over 4,000 articles of infringing goods of various famous brand names.

The National News Bureau of Thailand featured the ceremony stating that:

“The activity today was to re-assert the government and Phuket's stance against piracy and to send a new round of warnings to those involved in the illegal trade.”

Sayapon & Partners was proud to be the only client representative in attendance, and happy to see customs diligently enforcing the rights of a number of our key clients.

The ceremony received wide national and regional coverage see the following articles for more information:

Ceremonies like this are one of many initiatives that clearly show the current government’s commitment to cleaning up IP infringement in the Kingdom. 

Satyapon & Partners is enforcement in Thailand, talk to us about how we can help improve your enforcement strategy to have solid tangible results in the Kingdom.


Nathan Wood, LLB的更多文章

