Phridaze - my weekly list of hot links

Bruce Springsteen releases his London Calling Live from Hyde Park for streamers.

Iconic album covers get the social distancing treatment.

Y’all sure are baking a lot of sourdough rightaboutnow.

How to stock a pantry.

Best livestreams in this stay-at-home era.

Adventures in the art of being alone.

The seven stones of simpler living.

Museums you can visit from your couch.

The official NYT list of its best chocolate chip cookie recipes.

Neil Gaiman’s cool content.

Top ad leaders on how to stay creative at home.

Mattel die-cast mini car rally with broadcaster VO.

The breakdown of Deckard’s front door key.

Make your own sourdough starter.

How to survive 75 hours alone in the ocean.

Free tutorial on travel and landscape photography.

The difference between a snafu, a shitshow, and a clusterfuck.

An optimist’s guide to 2020.


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