PHP (Laravel Technology)

PHP (Laravel Technology)

Hi all,

I hope you have liked my previous articles ??

In this article, I would like to throw some light on Laravel technology, as well as on tech jargons like client side and server-side language. PHP one of the essential languages for the development of dynamic mobile applications and websites.

Being one of the leading app development companies, our teams work closely on programming as well as on scripting languages.

Sometimes, when we explain to our prospect clients’ what kind of languages, we will be using for client side as well as for server side, they are little confused, as what are we talking.

So, in this blog, I will try to explain all these terminologies in simple way so that anyone can understand the concept very easily. I hope, this blog will be helpful for you.

So, first let’s understand what is client side and server-side.

What is Client-side & Server side?

Client side and Server side are web development terms.

Client side is used for the end-user. It means all the interaction that is happening on user’s device such as on a computer or on a laptop.

 Now, let’s understand what language is used for Client side …The client-side scripting languages are HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT. In this model end user device communicates via a network with a web server to get the required data on the device.

Moving on to the Server side!

 Server side means the action which happens on the back-end side of the web application rather on client side. It works on the complex procedure of the web application. Server-side handles what information needs to be sent on the user’s device.

Server-side programming languages are PHP, ASP.NET, C++, PYTHON and etc. PHP is one of the preferred languages by developers for creating back-end web applications.

Thinking? Why developers prefer PHP over other languages?Let me clear your doubt!  Let’s learn more about PHP as well as Laravel technology!

PHP: - Developers Choice

PHP stand for Hypertext Pre-processor earlier known as Personal Home Page. It is an open source free language which can be used for developing any software application.

It is flexible as compared to other programming languages & changes can be made in coding at any given time frame.

For e.g. A developer gets the flexibility of making changes in the coding even if the project is completed, otherwise one has to rewrite the code again from scratch, which can be tedious. It is compatible with almost all major operating systems.

Some of the major frameworks of PHP are Laravel, CodeIgniter, Cake PHP

Let me also explain to you, first about framework

What is framework: -

A frame work is a platform for developing software application. Framework are used mainly by software developers to develop applications. It provides a foundation on which software developer can build program for a specific platform.

One of the famous frame work is Laravel

Laravel: The Preferred Framework by Web Developers

Laravel is a free open source PHP framework created by the Taylor Otwell. Framework acts as a skeleton for web application.

Framework provides uncomplicated and rich toolkits to build full-featured web applications.

It eases the burden of the developer by providing the readymade template code which can be edited or used as it is. It consists of bundle of frontend and backend tool as well as functionality which minimizes the effort of writing long code as well as also improves the scalability of the code.

The Laravel work on Model View Controller pattern is also known as MVC. It provides the structure to the application by dividing them into 3 components Mode, View & controller.

Model View Controller Pattern

View: - It is a user interface through which one takes an action or request information for application or for website.

For e.g. when a person uses interface or device to request webpage or content on website is known as view.

Controller: - Controller acts as an intermediator between view and model. It receives the request from view and sends it to model for collecting the data. It then analysis the data and encrypts into user’s interface scripting language like HTML, so that data is visible on user’s device.

Model: - It basically deals with database, such as fetch data or update the data.    

In short, Laravel is a PHP framework which work on MVC model and was designed to ease the life of developers by providing them a predefined toolkit of the code which can be edited or can be used as it for the project.


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