PHP Developer

PHP Developer

Introduction to PHP

PHP is a widely used scripting language for?Web Development. The big draw for Web Developers to learn PHP is that it can be embedded into HTML, which makes it easy to manage. Otherwise, HTML can be quite long with its commands.

PHP is an acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor. Basic knowledge of HTML could help you easily comprehend how PHP functions. PHP enables the collection, processing, and utilization of data and facilitates interactions with all the pages.

Following are the key areas of the functions of PHP:

Server-side scripting:?A great way to start PHP for new learners
Command-line scripting:?Best for scripts that are made using Task Scheduler or Cron and for text processing
Writing desktop applications:?While not the best language for desktop applications, it offers several options in advanced Web Development compared to its competitors

Whatever you require for PHP, chances are that they will be readily available on your desktop. It is compatible with major operating systems, Windows, macOS X, Linux, etc. It also supports most of the popular servers, giving one the luxury of choosing.

PHP is very easy to pick up for beginners and complete novices while getting to work with all the advanced features that any seasoned professional will appreciate.

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What is PHP Developer?

A PHP Developer is a professional who develops applications, websites, and programs using PHP. While they are also more generically called?Software Developers?or Web Developers, PHP Developers, in the true sense, are a specialized subset of the ‘Developer’ position, depending on their job description.

PHP is ubiquitous in?website development, and PHP Developers usually work behind the scenes or create UIs. PHP is ideal for contract developers or freelancers as well.

PHP Development Tools

The market is flooded with PHP development tools to increase programming efficiency, account for a perfect IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and allow a PHP Developer to work on feature-rich projects. Following are some of the popular PHP development tools:

Zend Studio
NuSphere PhpED
Aptana Studio
Sublime Text
PHP Debug Bar

Check out these?PHP Developer Interview Questions?and be fully prepared for your next interview.

PHP Developer Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of a PHP Developer involve the following:

Regularly testing, deploying, and creating new innovative websites.
Effectively maintain, develop and record the web-based PHP applications.
Use standard web development tools to build robust and scalable applications alongside maintaining them.
Perform cross-browser testing and address issues on the basis of feedback given by customers.
Write clean object-oriented PHP and efficient SQL
Update current websites and write semantic markup
Evaluate, design, develop, and assist application systems
Maintain detailed records of website specifications, product details, functionalities, deadlines, structures, and more.
Assess business requirements to identify risks and design appropriate solutions
Prepare solutions using tools to come up with client-specific interfaces, data analysis libraries, and workflows
Offer technical advice and expertise to product managers and other employees
Document technical and non-technical specifications and procedures
Maintain and manage the complete documentation
Review product requirement documents
Suggest business decisions from a technical perspective, such as performance, scalability, security, and reliability
Convey all task progress, schedules, suggestions, and evaluations, along with technical and process issues, effectively
Work with experienced consultants to write design parameters
Participate in calls with partners
Address identified PHP-related development issues

Want to learn more about Web Development? Check out our?Web Development Tutorial!

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+91??IN?????? ???INDIA
+44??UK?????? ???UNITED KINGDOM
+1??US?????? ???UNITED STATES
+1??CA?????? ???CANADA
------??--?????? ???------------------------
+376??AD?????? ???ANDORRA
+93??AF?????? ???AFGHANISTAN
+1268??AG?????? ???ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
+1264??AI?????? ???ANGUILLA
+355??AL?????? ???ALBANIA
+374??AM?????? ???ARMENIA
+244??AO?????? ???ANGOLA
+672??AQ?????? ???ANTARCTICA
+54??AR?????? ???ARGENTINA
+1684??AS?????? ???AMERICAN SAMOA
+43??AT?????? ???AUSTRIA
+61??AU?????? ???AUSTRALIA
+297??AW?????? ???ARUBA
+994??AZ?????? ???AZERBAIJAN
+1246??BB?????? ???BARBADOS
+880??BD?????? ???BANGLADESH
+32??BE?????? ???BELGIUM
+226??BF?????? ???BURKINA FASO
+359??BG?????? ???BULGARIA
+973??BH?????? ???BAHRAIN
+257??BI?????? ???BURUNDI
+229??BJ?????? ???BENIN
+590??BL?????? ???SAINT BARTHELEMY
+1441??BM?????? ???BERMUDA
+591??BO?????? ???BOLIVIA
+55??BR?????? ???BRAZIL
+1242??BS?????? ???BAHAMAS
+975??BT?????? ???BHUTAN
+267??BW?????? ???BOTSWANA
+375??BY?????? ???BELARUS
+501??BZ?????? ???BELIZE
+242??CG?????? ???CONGO
+41??CH?????? ???SWITZERLAND
+225??CI?????? ???COTE D IVOIRE
+682??CK?????? ???COOK ISLANDS
+56??CL?????? ???CHILE
+237??CM?????? ???CAMEROON
+86??CN?????? ???CHINA
+57??CO?????? ???COLOMBIA
+506??CR?????? ???COSTA RICA
+53??CU?????? ???CUBA
+238??CV?????? ???CAPE VERDE
+357??CY?????? ???CYPRUS
+420??CZ?????? ???CZECH REPUBLIC
+49??DE?????? ???GERMANY
+253??DJ?????? ???DJIBOUTI
+45??DK?????? ???DENMARK
+1767??DM?????? ???DOMINICA
+213??DZ?????? ???ALGERIA
+593??EC?????? ???ECUADOR
+372??EE?????? ???ESTONIA
+20??EG?????? ???EGYPT
+291??ER?????? ???ERITREA
+34??ES?????? ???SPAIN
+251??ET?????? ???ETHIOPIA
+358??FI?????? ???FINLAND
+679??FJ?????? ???FIJI
+298??FO?????? ???FAROE ISLANDS
+33??FR?????? ???FRANCE
+241??GA?????? ???GABON
+1473??GD?????? ???GRENADA
+995??GE?????? ???GEORGIA
+233??GH?????? ???GHANA
+350??GI?????? ???GIBRALTAR
+299??GL?????? ???GREENLAND
+220??GM?????? ???GAMBIA
+224??GN?????? ???GUINEA
+30??GR?????? ???GREECE
+502??GT?????? ???GUATEMALA
+1671??GU?????? ???GUAM
+245??GW?????? ???GUINEA-BISSAU
+592??GY?????? ???GUYANA
+852??HK?????? ???HONG KONG
+504??HN?????? ???HONDURAS
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+36??HU?????? ???HUNGARY
+62??ID?????? ???INDONESIA
+353??IE?????? ???IRELAND
+972??IL?????? ???ISRAEL
+44??IM?????? ???ISLE OF MAN
+964??IQ?????? ???IRAQ
+354??IS?????? ???ICELAND
+39??IT?????? ???ITALY
+1876??JM?????? ???JAMAICA
+962??JO?????? ???JORDAN
+81??JP?????? ???JAPAN
+254??KE?????? ???KENYA
+996??KG?????? ???KYRGYZSTAN
+855??KH?????? ???CAMBODIA
+686??KI?????? ???KIRIBATI
+269??KM?????? ???COMOROS
+1869??KN?????? ???SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
+82??KR?????? ???KOREA REPUBLIC OF
+965??KW?????? ???KUWAIT
+1345??KY?????? ???CAYMAN ISLANDS
+7??KZ?????? ???KAZAKSTAN
+961??LB?????? ???LEBANON
+1758??LC?????? ???SAINT LUCIA
+423??LI?????? ???LIECHTENSTEIN
+94??LK?????? ???SRI LANKA
+231??LR?????? ???LIBERIA
+266??LS?????? ???LESOTHO
+370??LT?????? ???LITHUANIA
+352??LU?????? ???LUXEMBOURG
+371??LV?????? ???LATVIA
+212??MA?????? ???MOROCCO
+377??MC?????? ???MONACO
+373??MD?????? ???MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
+382??ME?????? ???MONTENEGRO
+1599??MF?????? ???SAINT MARTIN
+261??MG?????? ???MADAGASCAR
+692??MH?????? ???MARSHALL ISLANDS
+223??ML?????? ???MALI
+95??MM?????? ???MYANMAR
+976??MN?????? ???MONGOLIA
+853??MO?????? ???MACAU
+222??MR?????? ???MAURITANIA
+1664??MS?????? ???MONTSERRAT
+356??MT?????? ???MALTA
+230??MU?????? ???MAURITIUS
+960??MV?????? ???MALDIVES
+265??MW?????? ???MALAWI
+52??MX?????? ???MEXICO
+60??MY?????? ???MALAYSIA
+258??MZ?????? ???MOZAMBIQUE
+264??NA?????? ???NAMIBIA
+687??NC?????? ???NEW CALEDONIA
+227??NE?????? ???NIGER
+234??NG?????? ???NIGERIA
+505??NI?????? ???NICARAGUA
+31??NL?????? ???NETHERLANDS
+47??NO?????? ???NORWAY
+977??NP?????? ???NEPAL
+674??NR?????? ???NAURU
+683??NU?????? ???NIUE
+64??NZ?????? ???NEW ZEALAND
+968??OM?????? ???OMAN
+507??PA?????? ???PANAMA
+51??PE?????? ???PERU
+689??PF?????? ???FRENCH POLYNESIA
+675??PG?????? ???PAPUA NEW GUINEA
+63??PH?????? ???PHILIPPINES
+92??PK?????? ???PAKISTAN
+48??PL?????? ???POLAND
+870??PN?????? ???PITCAIRN
+1??PR?????? ???PUERTO RICO
+351??PT?????? ???PORTUGAL
+680??PW?????? ???PALAU
+595??PY?????? ???PARAGUAY
+974??QA?????? ???QATAR
+40??RO?????? ???ROMANIA
+381??RS?????? ???SERBIA
+250??RW?????? ???RWANDA
+966??SA?????? ???SAUDI ARABIA
+677??SB?????? ???SOLOMON ISLANDS
+248??SC?????? ???SEYCHELLES
+249??SD?????? ???SUDAN
+46??SE?????? ???SWEDEN
+65??SG?????? ???SINGAPORE
+290??SH?????? ???SAINT HELENA
+386??SI?????? ???SLOVENIA
+421??SK?????? ???SLOVAKIA
+232??SL?????? ???SIERRA LEONE
+378??SM?????? ???SAN MARINO
+221??SN?????? ???SENEGAL
+252??SO?????? ???SOMALIA
+597??SR?????? ???SURINAME
+503??SV?????? ???EL SALVADOR
+268??SZ?????? ???SWAZILAND
+235??TD?????? ???CHAD
+228??TG?????? ???TOGO
+66??TH?????? ???THAILAND
+992??TJ?????? ???TAJIKISTAN
+690??TK?????? ???TOKELAU
+670??TL?????? ???TIMOR-LESTE
+993??TM?????? ???TURKMENISTAN
+216??TN?????? ???TUNISIA
+676??TO?????? ???TONGA
+90??TR?????? ???TURKEY
+1868??TT?????? ???TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
+688??TV?????? ???TUVALU
+380??UA?????? ???UKRAINE
+256??UG?????? ???UGANDA
+598??UY?????? ???URUGUAY
+998??UZ?????? ???UZBEKISTAN
+58??VE?????? ???VENEZUELA
+1340??VI?????? ???VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
+84??VN?????? ???VIET NAM
+678??VU?????? ???VANUATU
+681??WF?????? ???WALLIS AND FUTUNA
+685??WS?????? ???SAMOA
+381??XK?????? ???KOSOVO
+967??YE?????? ???YEMEN
+262??YT?????? ???MAYOTTE
+27??ZA?????? ???SOUTH AFRICA
+260??ZM?????? ???ZAMBIA
+263??ZW?????? ???ZIMBABWE
Web Development Tools

Web Development tools are basically the software or applications that are used by web developers to test, debug and deploy applications. Some of the most used web development tools are as follows:

Visual Code Studio
Sublime Text
Ruby on Rails
Semantic UI
…..and more.

Intellipaat provides?React Training?for its learners.

Skills required to become a PHP Developer

A good developer will have a robust set of PHP developer skills and expertise:

PHP at the beginner level
Knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Full-Stack Development
Unix/Linux, APIs, and MVC framework architecture
CakePHP: An open-source web framework
PHPUnit: A unit testing framework
Photoshop and other design tools

Some of the essential soft skills are good communication and problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically.

Developers, who have already entered the industry, can consider upskilling options in PHP if interested. A successful career path includes continued learning and additional education. Not only will upskilling help professionals go further in their current job, but the new skills acquired can become a crucial stepping stone to achieving new positions elsewhere in the industry.

Some employers may cite a wide range of skills for these professionals, along with graphics or SEO experience. Others may look for industry-specific ones. Some may even ask for experience playing games on social network sites. It depends on the job.

As a PHP Developer, being proficient in different stages of the lifecycle can improve your chances to move to better positions further in your career. The range of skills may extend from documenting requirements to providing for project management.

Enroll in this?Full Stack Development Course?to learn about full-stack web development concepts in detail.

Career Transition

How to become a PHP Developer?

Developers typically enter the field with a bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Information Science, or other related courses. The requirements to become a?Web Developer?are sometimes lower than what is required for a Software Developer.

Developers can start gaining experience in their student life through projects, internships, vocational training, etc. PHP Developer courses and certifications are also available for developers to stay updated on the?latest technology.

Let us now quickly understand how to become a PHP Developer in steps:

Earn a Related Degree

Becoming a successful PHP Developer requires the candidate to have a Bachelor’s degree in any relevant field. There is no set rule or guidelines but as a first step, you should focus on getting the right Bachelor’s degree to better prepare for a PHP Developer role.

It should ideally be a technical graduate program such as BCA, MCA, B.Tech, or DOEACC ‘O’ level. Having a relevant Bachelor’s degree will help you to better grasp the concepts when you go for an advanced level of PHP training. Apart from this, if you can gain experience by working in computer programming or software development, it will add a boost to your profile too.

Getting trained in PHP

As a next step, it is recommended that you start learning PHP as you now have a relevant degree with the required knowledge to start learning PHP. The first thing that you should start preparing is basic level computer programming, simple algorithms, and data structures. There are several sources to learn PHP such as

Online sources and trusted websites
Books from subject matter experts
Courses from e-learning institutes
Online Tutorials
Physical classroom training programs
YouTube tutorials
Attending Seminars and webinars
Trusted Blogs and websites
Acquire Practical Experience in PHP

Now once you have gained proper knowledge and training in PHP and its core concepts, you should start working on PHP projects. This will not only help you to strengthen your theoretical knowledge in PHP but also add value to your resume and will make your profile stand out among other candidates. Working in PHP projects will prepare you for facing real-time challenges when you start your PHP career. Also, to work on the projects, you will be needing knowledge of MySQL, jQuery

Enroll for Certifications

Certifications are important for validating the skills. Getting a PHP certificate from any of the leading online education providers such as Intellipaat will help you gain the right skills. PHP certifications help in verifying that you have worked at different levels in PHP and are proficient enough in managing real-life PHP processes and projects.?

Apply for PHP Jobs and clear the selection process

The final step towards starting your career in PHP is searching for vacancies, applying, and clearing the interview. Check out these?Web Developer Interview Questions?and be fully prepared for your interviews. Try revising all the PHP-related concepts and going through all the practical projects and experiences once again before your interview so that you can successfully answer all the questions asked by the recruiters.

Future Scope of a PHP Developer

Here are some highlights of using PHP:

PHP is a widely popular language.
Since PHP is easy to learn and adapt, it is widely used on blog sites.
Publishing a website can be easily done in PHP with the support of CMS.
MySQL can be easily implemented with PHP for server-based web applications using a database by even non-technical developers.
PHP remains feature-rich and up-to-date with the addition of new frameworks and the latest technologies.
PHP’s simplistic approach has made it popular and assures its applications in the future.

PHP Developers are among the most sought-after professionals in the industry. Following are the reasons why a career in PHP development is a good choice:

PHP for Web Development:?A career in PHP has a promising future as it is used by top players such as IBM, Facebook, Yahoo, etc. as the primary language for Web Development.
Easy-to-learn scripting language:?PHP is very easy to pick up as a language as its syntax is based on C and Java. Additionally, there are numerous online resources to learn PHP.
Open source:?PHP is 100 percent free as it is an open-source language. Further, software, such as Apache, SQL, etc., to build web applications are open source as well.
OOPS support:?PHP supports OOP like Java and C++ through inheritance, data encapsulation, and polymorphism. If you know Java and C++, you will find learning PHP very convenient and easy.
Compatibility with all OS:?There is no need for adding extra code lines in PHP for compatibility with OS in applications as it is compatible with all operating systems, namely, Windows, Mac, UNIX, and Linux.
Framework:?One of the reasons for PHP being popular is the framework availability such as Laravel, Symfony, Zend, etc. that support code reusability, which allows one to quickly build applications with minimized errors.
Dynamic and flexible:?PHP applications can be tailored and configured as per the client’s requirements. As PHP is open-source and backs code-reusability, one can easily apply elements of graphic design in existing applications.
Compiler-based applications:?Applications that are built using other languages can be translated into PHP language easily with the help of extensions. Compiler-based applications such as HTML and JavaScript make PHP versatile.
Resources:?There is no lack of resources that cover a wide range of frameworks and tools that are PHP-supported. PHP is well documented in that regard.
CMS development:?Content management system or CMS development is very easy in PHP due to the customization offered in PHP for applications.
Job opportunities:?PHP Developers are highly sought after as most businesses nowadays are online.

Courses you may like

PHP Developer Jobs
There are over 8,000 jobs currently open for PHP Developers in India –?LinkedIn
3,000+ jobs are available for PHP Developers in the United States –?LinkedIn

Check out these?Web Developer Interview Questions?and be fully prepared for your next interview.

PHP Developer Salary

Salaries depend entirely on job roles and experience, among other factors. The annual average salary in India earned by PHP Developers is ?278,716, according to PayScale. An entry-level PHP Developer with less than 1 year of experience can earn an average annual income of ?172,073.

PHP Developers with 1–4 years of experience can expect about ?264,742 per year. PHP Developers with 5–9 years of experience can earn ?543,053, whereas a PHP Developer with 10–19 years of experience under their belt can earn about ?885,098 per annum.

According to Glassdoor, a PHP Developer in the United States earns an average of US$ 81,796 per year. An entry-level PHP Developer earns US$63,375 per year, while most experienced workers can earn up to US$130,000 annually.


On a final note, aspiring PHP professionals should consider getting certified. This can easily be done by enrolling in a?PHP course?and cracking the certification exam. The certification will prove to your future and prospective employers that you are well-versed in PHP programming. One can learn PHP from various resources online, classes offered by colleges, and other education programs, as well as from online learning institutes.P        


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