PHP Code and Dictionary Help Tools
There are a lot of times when a form on a web app wants information already in the database. Such as the example below:
By adding in a help button, one can get a list of entire of possible entries. You may be looking for a name, but your help screen can give more information:
From there one can choose more easily and reliably an option that goes in the desired field:
Then close the help screen after choosing the data that goes in the spot! Let me show the structure of the look up database:
As well some sample data:
The code with the desired input follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function help() {
?? var"https://localhost/tools/getname.php",
<h2>Get help!</h2><br>
<form name="this">
<input type="text" size="30" id="name" name="name">
<input type="button" onclick="help();return false;" value="Help">
The magic is using an ID such as "name" for the lookup code to use.
As one can see it opens another window with the code that walks thru the database:
include "c:/tmp/incdb.php";
$sql="select * from hlpnames";
$R=ApplySQL($Login, $sql);
<form name="this">
while($Row=$R->fetch_assoc()) {
? $V=$Row["f_name"] . " " . $Row["l_name"];
? $V1=$Row["f_name"] . " " . $Row["l_name"] . "("
. $Row["position"] . ")";
? $U="SendHelp('" . $V . "')";
? ?>
? <input type="button" name="LookUp"
value="Choose <?php out($V1)?>"
onclick='return SendHelp("<?php echo $V ?>")'>
? <br>
function SendHelp(msg) {?
Hence an easy way to add some help to your apps!