Photoshop/Gas-Petroleum Notes
Back again here and it looks like it will be another work day. I was hoping to have the day off like my coworker from last night but that is not to be. I will be working with another coworker tonight.Then I will get a couple of days off to work on some Photoshop and other Adobe packages. There is this one picture that I am painting and I think that it will turn out good since I managed to figure out how to paint in very tight spots after I panned in the picture I took at the park while I was bike riding. So I will work on that and other pictures during my days off.But I must say that this Photoshop is an amazing program which can be used for almost anything.
Anyway, I will be talking about gasoline and petroleum since I am working today. So right now I will give out today's gas prices which haven't changed a whole lot since I worked last night.And we are sitting at about $.94/liter while the oil prices haven't changed much either since I last time checked on CNBC. The oil I think is sitting below $50/barrel with the exact price to be determined right now and right now we are sitting at $47/barrel. So as I have seen not much has changed with the fuel and petroleum prices but regardless, oil is still going to be produced no matter what the economic situation is.