Photoshoots are great. However, without a proper plan, things could go wrong really fast. To avoid that, you must put a great plan in place.

Photoshoots are great. However, without a proper plan, things could go wrong really fast. To avoid that, you must put a great plan in place.

Photoshoots are great. However, without a proper plan, things could go wrong really fast. To avoid that, you must put a great plan in place.?

In this guide, I will cover ten steps on how to ace your next photoshoot session. Let's get started.

Develop the concepts: A concept is a thematic guide for your shoot. To do this, start by setting up a meeting with your client to understand what they hope to achieve with the photoshoot and what stories they want to tell.?

A photoshoot is more than taking nice pictures. It's also about expressing our emotions and telling our stories.?

To get the most out of this call/meeting, you can prepare questions you want to cover. However, don't just ask questions like an interview; chat with your clients, get to know them a little bit. You can even ask why they want the shoot or why they chose you in the first place.?

A couple of information you might want to get from this call includes: what set design they want, colours they want to work with, the timeline for delivery etc.?

If it is for a brand, get in touch with the creative director and/ social media manager to understand what message they are trying to convey to their audience.?

This step is critical to the shoot's success and would save you lots of time, energy and money.

Create a mood board:?

After the discovery call/meet with your client, now is time to put their ideas into a mood board.

A mood board is a representation of creative ideas. Think of it as the architectural design of your shoot?

Send the mood board to your client to ensure you have captured their ideas and intentions for the shoot.

Prepare the Contracts: Contracts should be signed way ahead of the shoot date. Have your terms of service typed up, and necessary parties append their signatures. Lawsuits emanate from photoshoot sessions all the time, especially when rights and expectations are not clearly defined.?

Prepare a Shot list: Photoshoot sessions can be fun, making it very easy to get carried away and lose focus on the goals of the shoot.?

A shot list ensures that you get all the shots you have planned. Have a list of elements, moments, processes and possibly emotions you want to capture in your shoot. Trust me; you would still have much fun!

Decide on the Location?

Where is your shoot going to take place? In a studio? Would you need to get a permit to have access? Do you have to pay? All of these should be well detailed in your plan.?

Prepare your Equipment?

Ensure you have the equipment you will be needed for the shoot and secure the ones you don't have. Check your storage also! Trust me, funny stories that revolve around "I can't find the pictures" have happened from some photoshoots. Imagine the wasted time, money and effort. It will help if you avoid embarrassing situations like this by ensuring you have everything in place. Create a checklist if you have to.?

Have a time frame in mind. A time frame will keep you, your client and everyone on your team on track. Without a time frame, you might begin to wander into areas not part of your original plan.?

Prepare a Budget:?

A budget is a list of expenses for the shoot. From feeding to possible hotel reservations, flight tickets to shoot location. Put your budget together and figure out how to cover them. From your payment or by the client??

Walk your team through your plan: Most photoshoots require at least 1-2 team members. Have a meeting with everyone on your team and walk them through the project. Models, hairstylists, makeup artists all need to understand the shoot concept.?

Finally, shoot away!

Let creativity take its course. A plan is there to serve as a guide, not a rigid structure. Things might not go 100 per cent as planned. In case of any changes, don't be afraid to get creative and innovate.?

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