Photoshoot in Shades and Shadows - Garage Design Gallery
Sergiy Kadulin
Video Editor, motion designer, digital artist and photographer with solid experience in sales, business development and marketing
Recently I conducted photoshoot in "Shades and Shadows" ("Т?н? та В?дт?нки") design gallery located in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Architecture and exclusive interior of this Garage Design Gallery was created by Ukrainian architect and designer Natalia Oleksienko (
My task was to shoot several pieces of lighting and furniture created by american designers, in the environment of garage design gallery. Below you can find some photographs from the photoshoot.
All images are (C) Copyright Sergiy Kadulin Photography, 2018
To order photoshoot, please call Sergiy Kadulin Photography at + 38 (067) 465 29 07 or e-mail [email protected].
To see more images made by Sergiy Kadulin Photography please visit web site