The Photography Master Retreat Introducing the Mentors: watch the short video
Martine Fougeron
Fine Art Photographer. Author @Steidl. Founder @ThePhotographyMasterRetreat. Faculty @ICP. Publications in Magazines.
The three Mentors of The Photography Master Retreat talk about their process and how they take their students to the next level during this summer workshop in the south of France. July 7-14, 2018 after Les Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles.
- Elisabeth Biondi – Independent Curator, Teacher, Writer, and Visuals Editor 1996-2011 at The New Yorker, NY @elisabethbiondi
- Lyle Rexer – Critic, Curator, and Faculty at SVA, NY @lylerexer
- Martine Fougeron – Photographer, Artist, Faculty at ICP, NY @martinefougeron
The Photography Master Retreat is a unique opportunity to rethink your work, refocus your trajectory and recharge your artistic batteries. Not a shooting trip. Last week to apply. The application is free. Deadline March 4, 2018.
A new type of Model
"The Photography Master Retreat is not a practice-based photography session – those are everywhere, in every wonderful location around the world (you shoot and you learn how to do things.) This is the only retreat where photographers are asked to reflect. Where the main activity is to look at the work you are making and have made, and think about what it actually means. What’s good about it, what’s most important, what’s you about it? What is it that’s yours, and to let that come out in a variety of different ways, and let the other things fall away. What you should walk away with is a better sense of yourself as a photographer, and perhaps a better sense of yourself as a person."
— Lyle Rexer, #TPMR mentor
"I wanted to create a gathering where photographers could productively retire for a week, with time on their side. Take a step back and hopefully one giant leap forward to reconnect with their work and process in a new light."
— Martine Fougeron, #TPMR founder and mentor
"During each Master Retreat, students courageously expose their work to the challenge of change in an atmosphere where creativity is allowed to flourish. They form intense relationships with each other and the mentors during a week of hard work and Proven?al pleasures. To see their work shift, often in unexpected ways, is both my great pleasure and privilege."
— Elisabeth Biondi, #TPMR mentor
Deadline March 4, 2018.