Photography means "Drawing with Light," and was invented in 1822. In 1827 a photographer named "Views from the window at Le Gras," was created by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.

This photograph was the first successful photograph was his garden in Paris. Photography was done with the use of a camera and the first ever camera to be used was called the "Camera Obscura."

The idea of this camera was that a tiny hole was made in a small dark room so light would come in and reflect whatever was on the outside on the opposite wall. This hole in the wall was used to add a lens into later.

Fun Fact: Photography was known to people such as Aristotle.

The Boulevard du Temple, a daguerreotype made by Louis Daguerre in 1838 is accepted as one of the earliest photographs to include people in it. An example of it is below.

Famous Contemporary photographers include Ansel Adams, Laura Wilson, Lee Friedlander, Richard Avadon, Steve Mccurry, Mariam Wahim and more.

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