Jeff Brown
?? Photography Mentor & Best Selling Author ? Photography Business Mentoring, Accountability, & Support. I Help You Build a Highly SUCCESSFUL Photography Business ?? FOLLOW MY HASHTAG #CreatingSuccessfulPhotographers.
If you're pushed for time, or if editing just isn't your strong point, you could consider outsourcing. And here's why!
As you know documenting a wedding, for example, is very demanding. It often requires you to be creatively thinking for 12 or more hours worth of coverage, and it’s hard work. But once the big day ends your job is still far from over, next comes the editing stage. This is probably the part you spend the most time on, in fact for some photographer's I'd go as far as to say you spend too much time on.
Fortunately for us, very good retouching and editing companies do exist and they can help lighten your load, if not take over the job entirely. You don’t need to feel bad about outsourcing because photography and retouching are two very different things!
During our first few years of business, we usually do everything ourselves, mostly to keep costs down but often by doing this our business marketing suffers. More often than not we think that we couldn’t possibly find anyone could do a better job than us or to our own high standards, but this is where we need to give exact instructions as to how we'd like our unique style and theme brought through in the editing.
We spend days editing or retouching, but these hours could be better spent finding new clients to fill your books and raising the profile of your business.
For less than £100 you can usually have your photos professionally edited, ready to be delivered to your client. Now, unless you are really fast, I would guess that the same job would take up to two days of your time.
Imagine for a minute everything you could do in those two days: how many leads you could chase up how many social media posts you could schedule, how many venues you could call for joint ventures, how many blog posts you could do or how many introduction emails you could send out to potential clients. These are all things we tend to do during their off-season, but what if you could actually do it all year long while taking more clients, making more money, and having more free time?
Learn to let go of the reigns a little, because the truth is a good retoucher will edit your images to look just how you want them to look. If you aren't spending at least a day or 2 a week marketing your business you arent going to hit that 6 figure income ever.
I personally outsource many tasks that cost me too much of my time, I have companies to edit my wedding photographs, writes to transcribe my video blogs into written top tips and even a local student girl who posts content daily for me to my many social media pages. Remember with sites like Fiver and also on here in LinkedIn you can make contacts and lighten your load.
Make sure you are marketing your business throughout the wedding don't leave it till the last minute to push your marketing, start it now and you'll see the rewards come in.
I started out like many photographers trying to do everything, but after just a few months I knew I couldn't do it on my own and if I wanted to hit my 6 figure goal I'd need help. Within 18month I had a team of 6 photographers, 4 businesses and even a telesales consultant working to grow our leads and this is all because I focused on marketing my business.
If you'd like to reach your six figure goal you'd need a sound marketing plan and to be spending your time learning how to market your business correctly and build your brand.
If you want to know more I can certainly help you like I've helped 1000's of photographers around the world. Drop me a message for a FREE business review and FREE Skype consultation, it might be the biggest step to success you take this year. Jeff