Photogrammetry Software Quick Test

Recently I've been exploring photogrammetry software for creating models of objects and people. Ran some tests using a single camera, multiple shots, with RealityCapture and 3DF Zephyr free - some which produced great results, some...not so great.

Here's a small Einstein toy point cloud results from RealityCapture. Not too bad!

Okay, so, kinda bad. Prickly mesh result due to reflections. Moving on to humans, below is also from RealityCapture:

Whoa where'd the face go? And the result from 3DF Zephyr Free:

Smoother but still detail resolution isn't spectacular - plus shooting a non-static object with 1 camera creates other issues.

My goal was to hopefully find a way to create some human models that aren't so fidelity-impaired, and save setting up a photo array or studio capture setup, I didn't exactly find what I was looking for. 

Anyone else running into a similar situation with this type of software?


