Photo shop pictures don't get it done
pictures of accomplishments can be spurious.l when choosing go to the source of pictures find out actually did or did not do, dismantled completely and newer parts added or did they just steam clean and paint. l've got 40 years of actually doing whats realworld Recurring cycle of living is when a newbie learns something seniors have to hear how smart they are n it cyclical with each generation of humans entering thee work force. there will be no change ,automation and tool speacilist. help the employer.EXAMPLE is real. .we have several units on floor above must line up to lower floor units to begin process. newbie calls for optical level and transit but gets .025 piano wire and angle iron . given a print how to make batter board , two needed. says no .dam he can't weld and has no idea or confidence to work that model. seniors are archaic he went to school . finding the datum plug senior measures precise one end then other ,batterboards north and south stretch piano wire ,tighten attach plumb bob to lower floor . cost effective real world accuracy.. another example is remove drive gear. estamate is 3 weeks. lol. we weld securely keystock to gears place holding are timing . old gear out shaft pushed back lower new one to shaft pull through, your done two days. real world. trades people know genius after apprenticeship is done. everything they think about is gold. lol. and i believe their first to become critics. LESS TALK AND MORE WORK.