Phoslock FAQs #1

Phoslock FAQs #1

Phoslock is a widely used and trusted solution for addressing phosphorus pollution in lakes and fresh water systems. Composed of a special type of clay and Lanthanum, it effectively binds with phosphorus permanently to improve water quality and restore aquatic ecosystems. With numerous successful applications around the globe (300+) and independently peer reviewed papers (150+), Phoslock is recognised for its safety and effectiveness. In this article, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Phoslock, including how it works, its benefits, and the application process. Whether you’re a lake owner or operator, water utility, regulatory body, water quality or environmental lead or simply curious, these FAQs will provide valuable insights into this innovative solution and how we have been addressing and solving fresh water pollution for over 20 years.

What is Phoslock

Phoslock was developed in Australia by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in the 1990's, to remove phosphates from water. The active element in Phoslock is lanthanum (a rare-earth element) which has a strong affinity to bind with phosphate. This forms an insoluble and biologically inert compound, Rhabdophane. Phoslock is comprised of 95% bentonite and 5% lanthanum.

What is Phoslock made from

It is manufactured through a controlled ion-exchange process whereby cations within the bentonite are exchanged with lanthanum cations. The result is that lanthanum held within the bentonite structure retains its ability to bind phosphate, but does not readily dissociate, i.e. will not form free ions in water.?

Phoslock is manufactured as a dry granule which makes it easy to transport and store.

How does Phoslock work

Phoslock works by utilising the ability of lanthanum to react with phosphate. Removal of phosphate by lanthanum is highly efficient and has a molar ratio of 1:1 which means that one ion of lanthanum will bind with one ion of phosphate. This binding forms the mineral Rhabdophane (an insoluble and biologically inert compound) which strips phosphate from the water.

How quickly doe Phoslock work

The kinetic uptake of phosphate by Phoslock varies to some degree according to water chemistry, however in most situations, more than 90% of available phosphate (non organic bound) is bound within three hours of an application of Phoslock.

Is Phoslock safe for the environment

Phoslock has been applied to a wide range of waterbodies. Some applications have occurred to drinking waters, while others have occurred on waterbodies with high conservation importance (SSSI). ?Many applications have also occurred on lakes which are used for recreational water sports e.g. swimming, sailing.

Many eco-toxicity tests have been undertaken on a wide range of test species by a variety of independent and governmental research institutions over the last few decades. Collectively, these reports demonstrate that Phoslock is safe to use in all naturally occurring environmental conditions at the recommended dosages.?

A detailed overview of these studies can be produced by our Technical Team please contact us at [email protected]

How much Phoslock would I need

One tonne (1,000kg) of Phoslock is capable of removing 34.0 kg of phosphate (PO4) or 11.00 kg of phosphorus (P).?

With this information and a knowledge of the amount of biologically available phosphorus in the water and surface sediments of a lake, it is possible to accurately calculate the Phoslock dose for a water body. Our Phoslock team are able with minimal data to provide a volume of Phoslock to start remediating your water body. In some instances additional data may be required depending on water body type and water quality position.

for more information or to understand how Phoslock can help your water please contact [email protected] PHOSLOCK WATER SOLUTIONS (UK) LIMITED


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