John Schafer
Business Broker | Business Owner | Licensed Real Estate Salesperson | A Business Broker that actually owns a business | Let me help you buy or sell a business
So, for the past couple of days as I have been out and about - I've watched the folks around me. Everyone is on their phone. Like all the time. In line at the grocery store; in a waiting area; walking down the street (yikes - here comes a car); at a meeting; at dinner; out with family or friends. I can be just as guilty. We need to spend some time off our phones. Interacting with the people around us - or not. Maybe take a break from your screen and reflect on your life - or just let your mind wander. Maybe strike up a conversation with a stranger - maybe not. I don't think this is healthy for us. I think we are social creatures, and I think we are kidding ourselves if we think the social media on our phones is a good substitute for the real thing.