Phones Down - Eyes Up - Hands UP!
Technology today has opened so many pathways to information it has become second nature to have one of those "pathways" always available. In fact some who are reading this right now are using the most common one, your phone. Even as I write this brief article the irony is almost humorous. Over the past 20+ years I have had the pleasure of holding roles in the HVAC/R industry from Field Tech to President of a manufacturing company. I am not writing this as an opponent to technology, but rather from the point of benefits vs distractions. I have had a chance to use everything in the field from pagers to standard cell phones (non-smart), tablets, and laptops. However, none have the beneficial effects and hampering effects like todays cell phones.
Cell phones are tied to our emails, businesses, social media, friends, families, and THE WORLD! I am willing to bet in the time it takes you to read this article you will have looked at least twice at your phone. It is simply how we are "wired" today. I have been in the field with technicians as they were troubleshooting controls and diagnosing equipment issues, I watched them stop to answer personal text messages as well as answer when the office would text or call. I have been teaching and attending classes, seminars, or board meetings and have witnessed people drop their gaze and get lost in their phones. I am not immune, I have done it as well. However, we have made a change and I am here to tell you it makes a differnce.
Our objective was to manage time and resources and test it in the field. So we here at GSG24-7, several of our contractor partners, and friends conducted an experiment.We called it "Phones down - Eyes Up - Hands UP" here is what we meant by each of those phrases.
Phones Down - In meetings, In training, at dinner, with friends, anywhere you are involved with other people - your phone is away - Not just on the table on vibrate, but away. I can remember conducting meetings, attending training and actually performing the duties of my job effectively way before phones were around, so it can be done. This is very tough I agree. It is like breaking an addiction. It is said that the vibrating, dinging and attention that your phone gives you releases a powerful drug called dopamine. So, you will need to find your "drug" elsewhere.
When our Techs/Team members are in the field, try to avoid contacting them about upcoming calls, prior calls, or anything that does not relate to the call or meeting they are in at that time. When we distract them they lose "momentum". Mental momentum is definitely a thing while troubleshooting equipment, engaging in training, or while in a meeting. So leave them alone until they contact you.
If you are the one with the "Phone Down" do not be your own distraction. Stop checking it to see who has liked your post, texted you, needs you, or wants you. Stay engaged in your activity and set aside a time when you will get back to them, or a time to read all your "likes" and get your dopamine fix. During your work hours make your work communications a priority. The personal (non emergency) ones can wait. Contact your office, your clients, and your customers first. Then if you must, check your social media. This also includes waiting to read great articles written by me.
EYES UP - Now that your phones are down, your eyes should be UP. You need to be focused on your surroundings. Whether you are troubleshooting equipment, at dinner, in a meeting, or at training, eyes are up and you are engaged. Careless mistakes happen in the field and can cause injuries if we are not paying attention. It is very difficult to lose focus if you are fully immersed within your task. We have all been in meetings or training sessions - ( Not mine I hope) where the speaker, or the material was not as engaging or captivating as you had hoped and you drift. Make a conscious effort to get back involved. Hold yourself accountable and make it happen. You will find that without your phone to distract you it's easier to "plug in". Have a notebook and take notes, this will help as well. Make sure to keep appropriate eye contact with your customer, instructor, or client. Not the creepy weird stare. I am sure you understand what we mean.
HANDS UP! - This is real and a metaphor at the same time. You may not have to literally raise your hand, unless you are in a training class. The point is, ask questions! Be conversationally involved during training and customer meetings when appropriate. Yes, I have been known to talk to equipment when troubleshooting however, nobody is typically around. Without your phone to trap you and distract you, it is much easier to be an active participant. Be the Professional we know you are and get involved.
As I mentioned we have been practicing that here at GSG24-7, as well as several of our contractors. The feedback is overwhelmingly positive. Let me know your thoughts and share with us some of your stories as well.
Have a Great Weekend.