Phone Interview vs Live Interview
While there is a purpose for a phone interview and a purpose for a live interview, which one is more beneficial?
The phone interview is often used as a way to screen potential candidates while a live interview is used to further understand potential candidates. But what if the screening process was flawed? That's right, flawed. While some beneficial information is gathered during a phone interview, even more beneficial information is left out. This could result in you selecting a bad candidate and dismissing a good one! Don't believe me? Read the following live interview benefits and decide for yourself.
Live Interview Benefit #1: Appearance
While a candidate may pass a phone interview with flying colors, an employer is unable to see how they candidate presents themselves until the live interview. The candidate may come in for the interview in ripped jeans and a belly shirt, have gnarly hair and uncut fingernails. This could be problematic considering this individual could represent your company!
Live Interview Benefit #2: Body Language
A person can be saying one thing but meaning another and one helpful hint toward uncovering this is through a candidate's body language. You can't tell if they are lying because you are unable to see their eyes, you can't tell if they are bored because you can't see their fingers, you can't tell if they are interested because you can't see their body placement. This could be a problem!
Live Interview Benefit #3: Communication
Have you ever been on the phone and are waiting for your turn to speak? Or you are in the middle of your thought and the person cuts you off because they think you are done? Or you have to get running but the person on the other line won't stop talking? This can happen a lot during an interview and because of this, thoughts get lost, attention becomes limited and people get frustrated leaving for a negative experience.
Live Interview Benefit #4: Facial Expressions
Do you remember when you were younger and your mother told you something you didn't necessarily agree with? Do you remember what you did? My guess is, rolled your eyes. Or on a more positive note, when you receive surprising news, ever pay attention to what your eye brows do? They go up and your eyes open wide! This is impossible to see over the phone but is something you pay attention to face-to-face.