Phone Interview Tips
Let's face it, phone interviews seems to be the default first step in the interview process for most companies. Here are a few short tips to help you win your phone interview!
Phone Interview Tips?
- It is important on a phone interview to remember the goal, which is to move the process forward to a face-to-face meeting in order that all parties can exchange the information necessary to determine if the opportunity is?“a good fitâ€.
- Try to make sure you are in a comfortable setting, undistracted and focused on the task at hand, and in a position not to be interrupted by other calls, barking dogs, etc.?Land-lines are much preferable to cell phones for clarity and consistency of communication.
- Prior to the phone appointment it is a good idea to do some pre-interview planning.?Learn everything you can about the company and its culture.?Check out the website, read trade journals, talk to people you know.?Injecting information during the phone call that indicates you have researched the company will communicate to the inter-viewer that you are a serious professional.
- Compile an accomplishments summary.?You can make reference to awards, performance evaluations and any specific, truthful examples that show you have made a contribution to the bottom line success of your employer.
- Be an active listener, and DON’T INTERRUPT.?Try to discern what is most important to this manager and respond to questions in a concise, sincere and decisive manner.?Always be as specific as possible when discussing how you would handle a situation by making reference to examples from your career.?Interviewers are more interested in specifics from your background than theoretical situations.
- Be prepared to discuss your career path, the reasons for job changes and your goals. In this respect, honesty is always the best policy with an emphasis on what you have learned, and your current goal, which is to find an opportunity with stability and growth potential with an organization you can impact by your contributions.
- Don’t be coy.?Express your interest in the position and ask what the next step will be.?A couple of sample questions you may want to ask at the end of the interview are: "Based on our conversation today, and my background, how do you see someone like me fitting into your organization?"
- “What concerns do you have about my ability to successfully perform this job?â€
- “What kind of results will you expect from me for the best possible job evaluation in the first year?â€
- “What’s the next step?�
- Try not to discuss money during the first interview.?If the interviewer presses the issue, tell them what you are currently earning and that you are sure their organization will make you a fair offer at the appropriate time.?This will enable you to avoid pricing yourself too high for the position, or selling yourself short if your answer is less money than they would ultimately offer. In Most cases, its not appropriate to discuss money.
- If the interviewer sets up a specific face-to-face interview during the call, ask what you should bring with you to the interview—different companies have different expectations. Some will want to see performance reviews, samples of correspondence or even proof of income. If you ask, then you will know.