Phishing Simulation: Managing False Clicks During Simulated Phishing Tests
The challenge of managing false clicks during simulated phishing tests is crucial. Whether you're a user of open-source tools like Gophish or a professional in a corporate business utilizing advanced phishing test software such as KnowBe4, Cofense Phishme, Proofpoint Wombat, or Keepnet’s Phishing Simulator, the goal remains the same: boosting security awareness among your employees.?
For a phishing simulation to be successful, it is important to tell the difference between false clicks and real risky behaviors. These behaviors include opening a phishing email, clicking on a malicious link, scanning a QR code, or entering information on a fake landing page.?
This is crucial for improving the success of phishing tests and ensuring strong cybersecurity measures.
What is a False Click in Phishing Simulation?
In phishing simulations, a false click refers to any click that the user didn't perform. Handling these false clicks is an important part of conducting phishing tests. It's significant for phishing test software to correctly identify the difference between these false clicks and real interactions. This accuracy makes the phishing simulation effective and significantly improves cybersecurity training and awareness.
Why Do False Clicks Occur in Phishing Simulations?
False clicks in phishing simulations often happen when you use security solutions like Sandbox or Integrated Cloud Email Security (ICES) tools such as Mimecast, Proofpoint, or Barracuda. These tools automatically open simulated emails and analyze phishing links for safety.? This creates false clicks during your simulated phishing tests.?
Challenges with False Clicks in Phishing Simulations
Imagine this: Your colleague Bob approaches you with a concern about the recent phishing simulation. He appreciates your company's security awareness program, which is crucial for detecting phishing attempts. However, Bob mentions that he didn't click on the simulated phishing email from the recent test but still received an email to complete security awareness training for supposedly failing the test. “
“Noooo, that’s not fair,” says Bob to you!
Oops, you became sorry and apologized for this situation.
This highlights the importance of managing false clicks in phishing simulations. It's a reminder to ensure that your phishing test software accurately identifies actual clicks to avoid misidentifying aware employees like Bob. Addressing this issue is necessary to maintain the effectiveness and fairness of your security awareness program.
Why Whitelisting Isn't Sufficient in Phishing Simulations to Prevent False Clicks?
Whitelisting the sender's address, IPs, and domains in phishing simulations might seem like a complete solution, but it's not enough. Security solutions like Mimecast, Barracuda, and Microsoft Office 365 Defender still scan these whitelisted simulated emails. This means whitelisting isn’t a sufficient solution to prevent false clicks.
What do you need to eliminate false clicks during simulated phishing tests?
To eliminate false clicks in phishing simulations, it's important to use technology to detect these in various forms. Here's a brief look at the methods:
Using these methods in your phishing test software can significantly help manage false clicks, enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of your phishing tests.
How Keepnet Eliminates False Clicks in Phishing Security Test?
At Keepnet Labs, we have developed a Sandbox Detection System that addresses the challenge of false clicks that many organizations face when using secure email gateways or other similar tools. These false clicks can be caused by the whitelisting process, which can result in inaccurate reporting and lead to poor decision-making regarding an organization's security posture.
Our Sandbox Detection System includes various rule sets, such as honeypot and anomaly detection, to identify and eliminate false clicks in phishing simulations. This ensures that only genuine user interactions are recorded in our reporting, providing organizations with accurate and actionable data to improve their security defenses.
By offering this unique feature, we enable our customers to understand their risk exposure to phishing attacks better and develop effective mitigation strategies. Additionally, our Sandbox Detection System helps to improve the overall effectiveness of our phishing simulations, making them a valuable tool for organizations seeking to enhance their security posture.
Unlike Knowbe4, Cofense, Proofpoint, and similar phishing simulation vendors, we provide a smart feature to eliminate false clicks, reducing friction and stress on your team. Refrain from settling for inaccurate reporting and poor decision-making. Choose Keepnet to enhance your security defenses and protect against phishing attacks.
Examples of False Click Detection in Phishing Simulations
The effectiveness of our false click detection methods is evident in the following screenshots:
These examples highlight the capabilities of our phishing test software in managing and identifying false clicks, ensuring more accurate and reliable phishing simulations.
Watch our YouTube demo and see how our phishing simulator can help you create advanced reports without false clicks.
You'll learn how to:
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Best Practices for Managing False Clicks in Phishing Simulations?
To effectively manage false clicks in phishing simulations, it's important to use advanced phishing test software that includes features like anomaly detection, honeypot links, and unusual user-agent identification.?
How Can Phishing Test Software Improve Employee Cybersecurity Awareness?
Phishing test software improves employee cybersecurity awareness by simulating real-life phishing attacks. It trains employees to recognize and respond appropriately to malicious emails, links, and attachments, reducing security breaches risk. Regular testing and feedback are key components of this awareness training.
What Makes Keepnet's Sandbox Detection System Unique in Phishing Security Tests?
Keepnet's Sandbox Detection System stands out in phishing security tests due to its sophisticated approach to identifying and eliminating false clicks. It combines honeypot links and anomaly detection rules, ensuring that only genuine interactions are recorded. This leads to more accurate reporting and effective training.
Why is Accurate Detection of False Clicks Important in Phishing Simulations?
Accurate detection of false clicks in phishing simulations is crucial because it ensures the integrity of the test results. It helps in providing a true assessment of an organization's vulnerability to phishing attacks and the effectiveness of its employee training programs. This accuracy is vital for improving an organization's overall cybersecurity posture.
How Does Integrating Phishing Test Software into Regular Security Training Benefit an Organization?
Integrating phishing test software into regular security training significantly benefits an organization. Because it continuously educates and tests employees on the latest phishing tactics. This integration helps build a cybersecurity awareness culture, ensuring employees are always alert to potential threats. Regular exposure to simulated phishing scenarios through this software reinforces best practices and helps reduce the likelihood of successful phishing attacks on the organization.