The Philosophy of You - Letting Go, Manifestation, and Meeting Your Highest Self

The Philosophy of You - Letting Go, Manifestation, and Meeting Your Highest Self

This is part of Freedom Friday - my weekly newsletter getting you one step closer to freedom every Friday. Click?here ?to subscribe.

We all hold energy within us.

That energy is a combination of traumas, memories, life experiences, environment, and mindset.

The human body and mind is simply a vessel that?holds?this energy, or "vibration", as quantum physicists like to call it.

This vibration dictates both how we feel inside, as well as the reality of what we receive externally?back?from the world.

How you feel on the?inside, is the reality you will manifest on the?outside.

If you walk around pissed off at the world?and how unfair everything is, the world will give you more things to be pissed off at and put you in situations where you're proven right:

  • A car will cut you off
  • The waiter will be super rude to you
  • Someone will steal your wallet
  • You’ll step on dog poop
  • You’ll lose your keys

On the flip side, if you walk around with endless gratitude and joy?about living another day on this beautiful planet, feeling like you won the?lottery , the world will give you more things to be grateful for, and put you into situations where you feel more joy:

  • A neighbour will give you a smile and a wave as you walk outside
  • You'll get that best parking spot at work
  • You find a $50 note on the ground
  • You'll catch a glimpse of the sunset as you drive back home
  • Your Amazon package will arrive early

The energy you hold inside of you, is the reality that will manifest. Your vibration is a frequency that will magnetically attract things of a similar nature.

This isn’t some “woo woo” esoteric spiritual nonsense, quantum physicists have now confirmed this to be?scientifically?true.

Things “manifest” and “materialise” into reality, only when the observer?sees?them. And what you choose to?see?is determined by how you?think?and how you?feel.

If the lens of the observer is murky and dark, so too will their vision of the world.

So what does this mean?

When you hold in and carry all your grudges, all the times when things didn't go your way, all those breakups and losses, all those negative thoughts about inadequacy and anxiety…

When you hold that in and bottle it up, your mind and body will be filled with nothing but negative vibrations.

And that negativity will directly translate into a negative life.

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Then, how do you clear your lens?

You have to?let go.

Last week I talked about?life being a simulation , and how meditation was the way to win the game. By recognising that you're not the character, but the player in control of your emotions and thoughts, you can learn to control your destiny.

That same philosophy translates here, but now one level?higher.

Yes, you're the observer of your thoughts, but did you know that you can also reprogram your mind?

When you meditate for long enough you get access to the source codes, and you understand how to factory reset your mind to reinstall a new OS.

This is called a mindset shift or “re-setting” your mind.

Just like how a virus will infect a computer until it is removed, your negative thoughts and emotions are infecting your mind, your outcomes, and your reality.

Your brain is an organic super computer that needs to eliminate these viruses, and the “anti-virus software” is simply your decision to no longer allow those emotions to control you.

But how do you actually go about doing this?

You have to forgive?everyone?in your past for doing you wrong.

You have to believe that?everything happens for a reason?and those were all lessons learnt.

You have to believe that there's?more to life?than reliving your past traumas in your mind?again and again.

And you have to recognise that your mind can be a beautiful garden of positivity and joy, not one suffocated with overgrown weeds.

To achieve this, while meditating you have to face your traumas head-on, visualising those moments of pain.

At the point of impact, imagine you're there as the person you are today, and tell your younger self that everything will be okay, and that you're here to protect them.

Tell them that they're safe and nothing can hurt them anymore because you're here now.

One-by-one face all your painful moments, and pull out your weeds.

It will be emotional, and it may make you cry, but the cathartic release is like no other.

Do that enough, and you will begin to make way for beautiful flowers and seeds to grow.

You can then begin to manifest your dreams.

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Now what?

With a “factory reset”, your mind is now a clean slate. An open garden.

Think about all of your goals and aspirations, and visualise images of you being successful, healthy and wealthy.

In the same way that you visualised your current self, telling your younger self that everything will be okay, imagine your older successful self, doing exactly the same to your current self.

Then, you need to feel like those things are?already?a reality, so that the vibrational frequency that you put out into the world will put you on the right pathway for you to meet your future highest self - the exact one you’ve begun to visualise.

It's like ordering an Uber. You know it's on the way, so you're not worried about it. You're simply waiting to meet your destiny because in your mind it's only a matter of time...

To summarise

→ Let go.

→ Manifest your dreams.

→ Meet your highest potential.

"Be You. Earn More. Live Free."?isn't some fancy sounding tagline, this is the reality of my life.

The life that I manifested.

I eliminated addictions, depression, toxic friends and relationships, soul-crushing 9-5 jobs and everything that wasn't aligned with my universal truth, my reason for being, and my truest life path.

I became a clean slate. A neutral zone. A new OS. An open garden.

I then added in positivity, peace, joy, creativity, growth partners, and solopreneurship, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.

And the good news?

You can too.

With this knowledge you are now one step closer to your freedom, just by being your most authentic self.

If you haven't already downloaded?The?Freedom Framework - How to Win The Game of Life,?grab it?here . This is my core life philosophy and what?all?my weekly articles are based around.

And if you’re not already subscribed, get one step closer to Freedom this Friday. Subscribe to?Freedom Friday .

+ Follow me on LinkedIn ?if you liked it, share it with your friends if you loved it.

See you next Friday ??

Umer Khan M.

Physician | Futurist | Investor | Custom Software Development | Tech Resource Provider | Digital Health Consultant | YouTuber | AI Integration Consultant | In the pursuit of constant improvement

1 年

Manifestation is a powerful tool that can help us shift our reality from one of lack and negativity to one of abundance and positivity. Here are a few tips that have helped me: Get clear on what you want. What are your specific goals and desires? Believe that you can have it. This is essential! If you don't believe it's possible, it won't happen. Focus on the positive. Pay attention to the good things in your life, and be grateful for them. Take action. Don't just sit around and wait for things to happen. Take steps towards your goals. I've found that manifestation is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort, but it's definitely worth it.

Sam Lee, PMP? PSM?

Project Manager | Storyteller | Filmmaker

1 年

Personally, I’m not a fan of the word “manifestation” because it’s been abused and misused by so many “gurus.” They undermine the merit of hard work when they forever emphasize the belief and mindset (e.g. The Secret) That’s why I dropped “manifest” from my vocabulary altogether. ?? (Don’t get me wrong, I believe in positive mindset. I think it’s an essential part of building your future.)

Christiana Ude

Brand, Content and Personal Growth Strategist | Helping startups & SMEs find their voice, achieve strategic growth and master their brands | Branding BarterTrybe | Creator of 'Your Personal Growth Guide' newsletter

1 年

I like how you write and explain these stuff, William!! It’s giving some sensei master/ monk level stuff.??


