Philosophy of Science and Metrics
The Ancient Greek philosophers were the foundation of science. Seneca, a key Stoic philosopher, plugs away at this in his book "Letters from a Stoic". I followed his advice and read his book twenty times at least. At my age of 53 where my brain is not yet naturally declining due to the biological process, I have been applying this technique across dozens of books. There are two core principles at work. The battery for information storage is the blood sugar for the brain tissue. Today I am on the last day of a 10 day "crash diet". That is where I eat a bowl of porridge in the morning and nothing else all day. I can still think, as you can see, but I think differently and a new acuteness of thought arises.
The brain tissue is however not an unlimited storage device of information. The daily capacity limit is defined by dreams and we know this because of our experience at school where we study to reproduce facts the next day in tests. We have things like long term and short term memory. My theory is that the dream is a full rendering of all 5 senses and data rich. At the moment we can only reproduce audio-visual and with digital technologies it is getting close to nearly imperceptibly the same if reproduced on high definition video screens.
My ultraluminal physics makes the hypothesis that dreaming is a rendering of all 5 senses without a bit of error into a compressed data file I call data+x. The "x" describes it must be more than just data because it must leave us when we awake or we would not feel refreshed at all. So where does it go? The theory is that is leaves the universe through black holes or perhaps simply to the end of the universe and exits. This is because what is created, the "x" attached to the data is anti-matter "like". I call this a demi-graviton because I believe gravity is formed of two ultaluminal demi-gravitons. The other demi-graviton is an incoming signal. You will immediately notice something about duality.
If something were incoming to our brain tissues when we are awake, from black holes or the edge of the universe, then we can call it part of our consciousness. Meditation or prayer and other things gets us to listen, but this incoming demi-graviton is only part of our consciousness. A well integrated or balanced consciousness will not break their mind into parts. The study of Zen philosophy helps with that oneness. A human being suffering a lot of stress may be diagnosed with mental ill-health and for some they may "hear voices". We are all actually hearing voices all of the time but suppress them into one integrated consciousness because the incoming demi-graviton is only part of our consciousness. There is also the collective consciousness that is earth bound and also our will.
You will note that the natural structure is father, son and holy ghost. That is demi-graviton, will and collective consciousness, although to put the devil in there we would combine "son" with one or the other, attribute the holy ghost to will and allocate collective conscience to devil. This is a simple triarchy or triangle and it show in my image, a UFT or Universal Field Theory of ultraluminals. We suppress the division in an integrated consciousness naturally and without problems. However those in ill-health will split either the collective consciousness or demi-graviton into "voices".
The will itself cannot be divided. I cannot both pick up the apple to eat and not do so at the same time. I will my hand to move or not, no one else does (including the demi-graviton or the collective conscience). The thing to note however is that incoming demi-graviton cannot be directed at us individually and for it to have any "power", as the collective conscience is assumed to have a power, it must relate to something. The concept of Japanese "ancestor worship" is easier to apply here than the Christian "sat alongside Jesus in the afterlife" concept because the judgmental aspect is suspended. Hence the incoming demi-graviton is a spiritual connection to our dead forefathers (and mothers) and indeed anyone else who might by family tree be concerned about us.
So how it is directed? The answer is simply in the name. As the outgoing ultraluminal demi-graviton is named "data+x" the incoming is named the "zillion channel". We are each born with a unique frequency, or rather conceived with a pre-set channel. Immediately in physics we note the separate characteristics of the radio wave and the photon. Sun cannot shine around corners or go through buildings, radio signal can. This is called wave-particle duality in Einstein's relativity and gets very complex! However my takeaway is that if we could detect the passage of these two ultaluminals using the human being as a measure, namely dream and sleep cycle studies combined with study of those "hearing voices", then we may be able to spot a shift anomaly where the ultraluminal can be assumed to be observed. That is the first step to detecting it and reproducing it.?
Immediately we then have two faster-than-light communication signals, although without the need to yet communicate with ultraluminal spaceships the utility of such a discovery is limited to a small selection of uses of scientific value although not that commercial in the medium term. However if we can combine the two, which probably involves the use of an electric field, we should be able to produce the graviton and anti-graviton. That would be extremely valuable, commercially speaking as being able to control a beam of gravity, a tractor beam, would revolutionize transport and productive mining and manufacturing processes.
You may note I have discussed consciousness with a lot of general metrics, namely applications of spiritual world understanding. I would argue this is what the philosophy of science is. The Ancient Greek philosophers found much of science. Stoicism, Seneca in particular, teaches us that the value of philosophy is to be equally content if we have something or not. Thought itself, philosophy, can enrich us or keep us impoverished. It should not matter to a good stoic. This is why I find my 10 day crash diet useful because the blood sugar level deprives the brain of the excess. When Christopher Columbus discovered America the signals were in the air to allow him to send a radio communication back but he could not because science had yet to show them how.
Philosophy applied to science offers new possibilities and while we can dismiss the metrics as irrelevant to to spiritual goals, and that is perfectly true since a philosopher who does not seek to live beyond being a slave to materialism is no philosopher at all, the appearance of metrics from within philosophy that may provide clues to things that exist in nature that may be harnessed by scientific study, such as Marconi and radio, are themselves of interest both as a philosophical achievement and no doubt for some for commercial reward.