"Philosophy of Fearism" is a unique Philosophy.

"Philosophy of Fearism" is a unique Philosophy.

Feature article Prepared by Nunuta Rai 

Translated by Desh Subba

Edited by Michael Bassey Eneyo

Published Saturday 2 September, 2018 Naya Patrika, Daily, Kathmandu, Nepal

For 19 years now, Desh Subba of Dharan, Nepal has made Hong Kong a workmanship of a new philosophy. There, he has borne a new vision – 'Fearism'. Subba had revealed that within four years, his book on Philosophy has won 10 International Awards. He had conceived the new idea of "Philosophy of Fearism" about two decades ago. But his fearism ideas came to the public domain just about four years back.

Bhayabad which is Nepalese name for “Philosophy of Fearism” was translated into English with the above name as its title, and published in 2014. The publication offers the book a wider readership, thus, making it even more popular in the global society. Since then, Fearism as a philosophical movement has attracted many followership from different parts of the world and the movement is growing rapidly. Amongst the members of the movement are: the Indian author B. Maria Kumar, R. Michael Fisher and Desh Subba who had jointly wrote a book entitled: "Fear, Law and Criminology critical issues in applying the Philosophy of Fearism", Dr. R. Michael Fisher and Desh Subba had equally coauthored a book titled: "Philosophy of Fearism- East-West Dialogue". These books are all published by the American Publisher, Xlibris. 

Right now, there are many books published on the basis of Fearism. According to Subba, based on the Philosophy of Fearism, a Canadian author Michael Fisher has written many articles on fearism. Also, two Nigerian authors Osinakachi Akuma Kalu and Michael Bassey Eneyo have published books with the titles- "The First Stages of the Fearologist and "Philosophy of Fear: A Move to Overcoming Negative Fear" respectively. Similarly, Indian authors, B. Maria Kumar and B. S. Susmita have recently coauthored the book "The Youth Don't Cry". The book has given high respect to Philosophy of Fearism. This article is necessitated by the conversation that took place between feature writer of Naya Patrika Daily Newspaper Nunuta Rai and Propounder of Philosophy of Fearism, Desh Subba.

State, Police, army, hospital, law, society, court, government, school, insurance, bank, etc, are established to minimize fear. Fear is behind all these.

The Beginning of "Philosophy of Fearism"

The beginning of "Philosophy of Fearism" can be said to be accidentally emerged. In 1999, I prepared a novel entitled 'Ujad' (Desolate). A friend of mine Sharan Subba after reading the manuscript, he underlined the word Bhayabad with a red ink. I thought of it deeply for quite a long time about the word. “This can be different” I pondered. Then I began to reason that the word could be installed as a philosophy. From then, friends and I started discussing fearism, it was from the several discussions with friends that I came up with the name, Philosophy of Fearism. Fearism as a philosophical movement was first mentioned in a Tapu Magazine in 2005.

This magazine was published in Hong Kong. "Fearism Study Centre" was established in 2009 with many followers supporting it. Prof. Dr. Tanka Prasad Neupane is the first installed Chairman of the movement. Every year the Centre awards "Tilmati Fearism Award" to an author who writes about Fearism. So far, Rana Kafle of Assam, India and Rajendra Guragain of Nepal have been awarded. This year, a Nigerian author Osinakachi Akuma Kalu has equally been awarded for his book titled "The First Stage of the Fearologist." This is a clear indication that Fearism Movement is growing.

What is Philosophy of Fearism?

"Philosophy of Fearism" is an emerging philosophy that deals basically with the problems of fear. Since the beginning of civilization we have had different kinds of fear that affect humanity in both positive and negative ways. Till today, fear is still taking the center place in our societies. Fear itself seems to me the most basic to every other philosophy. Actually, Life is conducted, directed and controlled by fear. Our invention, construction, etc, are as consequences of one form of fear or another. State, Police, army, hospital, law, society, court, government, school, insurance, bank all were established to minimize fear. Fear is behind all these. We have fear of death, fear of prestige, fear of disease, fear of property, fear of society, etc.

How is "Fearism a philosophy"?

The base of all philosophies is fear, and fear is a Life carrier word. It is fear that raises consciousness and life. Unlike Marxism, materialism and idealism which are just words that don’t give the meaning of life, fear defines life. Although the above words also have the suffix “ism” just like fearism. This suffix has also given them philosophical coronation, but even at that, they all stood at the base of Fearism because they do not give the meaning of life, Subba reasoned.

"Philosohy of Fearism" raises consciousness and life. Marxism, Materialism and Idealism are just words; they don't give the meaning of life. These “isms” stood at the base of Fearism.

Philosophy of Fearism teaches the solutions to the problems of life. Subba believes that excess of fear, less fear or absence of fear is a problem. For him, moderate fear solves problem. For example, a student who studies hard does so for fear of failing an examination. When he has more fear, he will not do well in the examination even when he had study hard. Supposing also that the said student does not have the fear of failing his/her exams, he/she wouldn’t study hard. If he/she has the fear of failing, he/she will certainly study hard and write the exams well, thus scoring high marks when the result is out. The motive of Fearism as a new philosophical movement is to prevent any accidents of fear and as such, make life better. Fearism teaches us how to live a comfortable life.

"Philosophy of Fearism" is not a literature ?

Fearism can be used in literature, music and art but it is not literature itself. Entry of Fearism in literature, music and art help man to get more understanding. We have been observing life through ideologies but ideologies make life more difficult. Just like how Marxism, Existentialism, Idealism, Deconstruction and other philosophies came into literature, music and art; similarly Fearism has also come into different aspects of life including literature. Fearism is a world lens to see life, literature, art, psychology, sociology and other fields of studies. It does not only look at challenges of human beings, it also looks at animals and birds and the entire world issues.

Obviously we cannot see sexual desire, anger, illusion, temptation, jealously, greed, hatred and faith in animals and birds. But fear can be seen in different ways from a far distance. When we talk of seeing fear, we mean experiencing fear and its symptoms. When pullets see the hawk in the sky, they run away with the screaming noise. Some living creatures escape for safety when they see lion and pantheon. Because the living creatures are already aware of the natural disaster like: earthquake and Tsunami, so they run for safety when such disaster occurs. When we seek for a way to save our life from various accidents, fear is always the reason.

We must have fear treatment centres?

To know fear, to be rescued from fear, to be protected from fear, to treat fear properly, we must have fear education institutes, colleges and universities. It is necessary to have fear treatment centres and doctors. The world is getting more dangerous, increase terrorist activities; people have become racists and regionalists. The image of classless society is not enough to overcome fear. And even if we have classless society, we cannot be fearless. To fight all these fear problems, we must have knowledge about fearism. Hence, we must visit treatment centre, because a good knowledge of fear can save us from suicide, murder, panic, war, rape, invasion and failure. Such knowledge made for calm and a coordinative society.

Growing Followers ?

Nowadays followers of Fearism Movement are growing. In comparison, Africa has the highest number. The reason for these growing followers from Africa is because of fear of war, violence and starvation that is prevalent in the continent, with the growing civil war as the main reason. Africa, by my assessment, is "Fear danger zone". Fearism also has many followers in north east India as well because of the problems of racists and regionalists. Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur and Assam have these problems. Where there are many fearful situations, there is likely to be more followers.

Recognizing towards Philosophy ?

Philosophy of Fearism is a re-explanation of all other philosophies, ideal, life, death and all aspects of existence. The questions of; what is fear, from where does it come? What could be its effect? And how can it be cured, etc, cannot find detailed research, thesis and explanations anywhere except in fearism centre. There’s fear everywhere. When we depart from home we have fear and when we return, there’s fear also. We wake up from sleep with the fear of how the day would be, and we go to bed with the fear of what the night holds for us. Government, Bank, Hospital, School and Society were set up to protect us against fear and also to rescue human persons from fear. People embrace these institutions because they want to be saved. Taking all these into consideration, we will agree that "Philosophy of Fearism" has explanation for all questions about fear. It functional formula is life-consciousness-knowledge-fear-cognition/Fearism.

All creatures have consciousness. Because of consciousness man has knowledge and this knowledge creates fear. To get rid of fear, we find ourselves running everywhere. Fear made us form organizations and create countries. In the course of looking for safety, we kill others. This tradition is common in developing society. We are neither running according to Hierarchy of needs of Abraham Maslow nor running in the name of class struggle as Marx declared. Fear makes us run away from others, thus rendering us lonely. We were lonely during the ancient civilization, and today we are sitting in the middle of society but still lonely.

Before now, the Freudian psychoanalysis, used to put mental patients in dark room, tied them up with ropes and get them tortured. But today, worldwide these patients are easily classified. The sicknesses associated with mental problem have been identified and the corresponding treatments have been developed. But at present, fear patients are not treated, and if they do, they’re not properly treated just like mental patients of the 18th century. Treatment of fear patients hasn’t yielded good result yet.

Fear patients must be treated with fear vaccines in fearism method. They must be cured in a fear treatment centre, where there’re fear vaccines (theories) to treat them with. These vaccines or theories must be known and adopted by fear doctors (fearists/fearologists) and then administer to fear patients by the doctors based on their method(s) of prescription in their treatment centre. Thus, "Philosophy of Fearism" is that school where doctors of fear patients are trained. Courses like: thought of fear, sources of fear, kinds of fear, effects of fear, fear age, fear treatment and other fear related courses are taught. It is in need an emerging philosophy of the 21st century for the treatment of fear.


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