The Philosophy of Energy

This discussion of the philosophy of energy will be from the point of view of its basis Principles.

Principle One: That everything in existence is Energy and there is nothing in our Universe but energy.

Principle Two: That all energy always vibrates,

Principle Three: That the vibrations of energy varies according to its diverse frequencies.

Principle Four: That the exact frequency of any manifested form determines its appearance.

Principle Five: That all energy contains within itself varying degrees of consciousness.

Principle Six: That each human entity is essentially an “energy center,” receiving and distributing these various vibrating energies by way of its daily choices and decisions.

Principle Seven: That our solar system is dual in manifestation having a slower vibratory Aspect referred to as the Microcosmic, and a faster vibratory Aspect referred to as the Macrocosmic. Our Material world consists solely of visible Microcosmic vibratory energies appearing as various Forms, while the Macrocosmic Aspect consists solely of hidden and still invisible vibratory Formless energies. Thus, not as yet discovered by modern science since its activities are empirically (senses) limited which can be referred to as Exoteric science.  


It is being declared here that modern humanity has not as yet begun to think, speak, write or act in terms of our world being one of only energy: Positive Spirit/Life. Because of this lack of energy understanding modern humanity perceives of our world as essentially Material-Matter; that is, as consisting of solids, liquids and gases.

There exists in our world, and available for discovery, an Esoteric Science often referred to as Occult or Esoteric EScience. Here is a definition of Occultism=The world of hidden and invisible CAUSES behind the visible material world of EFFECTS. This statement reveals that our material world and its widely accepted viewpoints is ONLY a world of Effects, and is not yet aware of the Causes behind those Effects. There are various immutable and eternal Cosmic Laws governing the “operation” of our solar system. One such Law is that of Correspondence, which we call Analogy. By way of Analogy, the “invisible can become visible” by way of extrapolations. The Law of Cause/Effect has been presented above.


Our universe consists of this ONE ENERGY which in manifestation is dualistic, consisting of a combination of Spirit and Matter. Two sides of the same coin, and Matter cannot exist without Spirit. It is also stated that all manifestations only exist from this duality of energies. Yin and Yang of the Orient, and male/female at the human level. To make the connection, the Microcosmic Aspect of our solar system consists of Matter while the Macrocosmic Aspect consists of Spirit. There is an old Occult expression that fits here: Matter is Spirit in the Macrocosmic Aspect and Spirit is Matter in the Microcosmic Aspect. At any point in human evolution, one or the other of these energies is predominant. It all depends upon Polarity, the fourth Principle of Hermes, one or the other predominant at any particular point in human evolution. Right now, our materialistic world is negatively polarized. (See, in, the “Kybalion” for a study of the seven Principles of Hermes; Cosmic Laws of our solar system.)

The Duality of a Human Entity:

Like our solar system, the human entity is also dualistic in manifestation. Being in Essence Divine, which is our Monad, (Spirit energy) having a “God Within” as it is expressed, which “occupies” an animal Form. (Matter energy.) Life is Spirit, thus, LIFE IN FORM is a concept not yet appreciated or accepted by modern science.

Involutionary Arc and the Evolutionary Arc:

By way of human evolution on this planet, our Divine Essence Monad first Descends into the Microcosmic Aspect of our solar system. (Involves). After reaching the nadir of gross Material Matter, it begins its Ascent, the Evolutionary Arc (Evolves) through the Macrocosmic Aspect of our solar system on its return “To the House of the Father,” in Biblical terms. Human evolution is the “medium” used by the solar Logos, the creator of our solar system which his body of manifestation, to “unfold” the Cosmic Plan, his governing Principle of our creation and our Purpose for existing on this planet. The parable of the Prodigal Son delivered by Jesus to his followers epitomizes this human evolution. By implication, the Father is in reality our own Divine Essence Monad. When Jesus said, “I and my Father are ONE,” this is the statement’s true meaning.


The true story of LIFE in its many form expressions through Matter is captured in the Ancient Wisdom. This is what Plato referred to as “Forms” defined as Cosmic Ideas. These are eternal and appropriate for any world period. Cosmic ideas are immutable and are carried over from one world period t the next one. The eternal Continuity of Evolution is without beginning and without end. This evolution occurs in Cosmic cycles which are called World Periods. Our current existence on this planet is one of these endless world periods.

The Life of a solar system consists of the following: 

Seven Sub-races:

Seven Root races:

Seven world periods

Seven Rounds

Seven Chain Periods:

Ten Schemes of Evolution.

In earth years, the life of a solar system consists of 311,110,400,000,000 earth years.

NOTE; All of the above comments are some concepts of the Ancient Wisdom. End






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