Philosophy of Education DRAFT  November 12, 2014 MSU EDS 3130 By: MaryEllenElizabeth Hart
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Philosophy of Education DRAFT November 12, 2014 MSU EDS 3130 By: MaryEllenElizabeth Hart             

“Education ( is a comprehensive word describing the system of guiding learners into accomplishment of a focused objective (true learning). Many factors influence the success of a learner’s ability to accomplish educational objectives. Many Educational Psychologists have listed needs associated with a learning environment and necessary steps or stages leading a learner to real learning or wisdom.” The role of the teacher in learning is a manyfold role leading students along these steps or stages of learning. I am a Secondary Science Educator following the Educational Philosophies as described by Bloom, Piaget, Vygotsky, Skinner, and Garner in creating a safe, organized, project-based interactive classroom and laboratory environment, equipped with the tools and atmosphere necessary for students to try and make sense of, and integrate, their learning according to district and state educational objectives into their personal base of knowledge for personal and vocational application as good citizens within a multicultural pluralistic free globalizing republican democracy (U.S.A.).

Teachers scaffold (inspire, plan, develop, and create) the success of a learner’s ability to accomplish educational objectives and lead students to levels of accomplishment they could not achieve on their own (“true learning”). “Within a globalizing world and economy, we the people of United States are called to embrace our multicultural pluralistic free globalizing republican democracy (USA) with mutual respect where knowing about the cultures and heritages we live with is key both to successful coexistence and key to celebrating the personal uniqueness endowed to us by our Creator (both in our citizenship and vocation: “the true purpose of school.”) I am a “Multicultural Educator” within the content area of Secondary Science Education, students gain wisdom (intelligence) and skills using many educational methodologies in preparing for life and employment. My methodologies include the educational philosophies of Progressivism and Essentialism while developing student learning using Bloom’s’ Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation (Assessment). In a classroom where a teacher’s philosophy is “Progressivism” the focus is flexible, integration of subjects with “across the curriculum connections”. My Secondary Science classroom is experiential, collaborative, project based and interactive around a core curriculum of traditional academic topics with purposeful assessments testing development of particular skills to compete in the world. Essentialism teachers are modeling academic as well as moral value.

Why is it important to have a Philosophy of Education? It is important prior to teaching in a classroom for the same reason it is important to have goals in life: “to provide a “Focus”. Goals and an Educational Philosophy provide a core perspective from which our day to day teaching activities may blossom. My Philosophy of Education is a road map for all my classroom (and academic) activities to lead learners into mastery of true learning, intellectual gain, personal, describe my classroom, assessments, and goals.) This is Page One of One Page an Introduction to my Philosophy of Education.  Saturday, November 22, 2014  8:51:15 AM

The Role of Teachers in Learning, How Lessons Should be Taught (Knowledge, Skills, and Disposition), Classroom, Assessment and Goals incorporated in each section.

  1.  The role of the teacher in learning. Teachers are: Administrators of good sound teaching methods enriching the lives of many others using diverse cross cultural (multicultural pluralistic) processes which assist learners in their cognitive development (learning new skills). Teachers are: Good planners (resourceful, creative, persevering), Good presenters (enthusiastic, organized, creative, fun, wise), Good classroom Managers (organized, interactive work stations, including “time out station”, appealing to diverse learners, clean, neat, attractive, content area focused, with multicultural interests), Good Evaluators of student achievement (both Cognitive and Affective assessments), Seekers of Personal and Professional growth, Leaders involved with campus student life, (compassionate, enthusiastic, wise, and fun.) Teachers accompanied with interactive hands-on curriculums (“Project Based”) such as “cooperative learning”, and on-line educational technology reach student’s “multiple intelligences” and inherent curiosity and desire for discovery learning (inductive and deductive), are leading today’s students into higher levels of learning and applications of learning.  A teacher needs to be astute in guiding the processes to reach every student and encouraging students toward the style of learning that best reinforces their intelligences. A “Philosophy of Education” represents the nature of a teacher. There are many teachers and many different “Philosophies of Education”. Philosophies of education work compatibly together to create a successful school environment and serve the purposes of the individual students within the individual schools. Resource: (“Introduction to Education Third Edition” Miller, Sadker, Zittleman)
  2. How should lessons be taught in school providing for growth in 1. knowledge, 2. skills, and 3. dispositions (respecting their individual heritage, personal needs, personal goals and personal gifts.)

To discuss how lessons should be taught in school providing for growth in knowledge, skills and disposition (respecting individual heritage, personal needs, and personal goals) I need to first declare the magnanimous nature of USA’s Free Compulsory Education System uniquely educating a multicultural pluralistic society within a republican democracy. Our nature as a country is unique and has unique challenges to accomplish the tasks of growth in knowledge, skills and disposition. We are the only country in the world to do so within a multicultural pluralistic republican democracy. Globalization of societies has existed from the beginning of civilization, with exploration and trade. However, globalization (dominant cultures becoming multicultural pluralistic) has been changing our world view of each other with radio, television, telephones, internet, social media, at light speed rates beginning around World War II. Along with globalization changing our perspective, making us aware of each other’s cultures, globalization is creating a more neighbor friendly world-wide atmosphere. At the end of WWII, the United Nations made a "Declaration of Human Rights" similar to Constitution and Bill of Rights:

and this document of good will is the focus of international negotiations. The world is becoming kinder in focus. How does globalization affect the classroom? Along with technology and media, in every way and in every subject. United State of America is at the moment the only multicultural pluralistic republican democracy (free society). We are academically competing with countries who are socialist, monarchies, or limited democracies, or have dominant cultures of one race, that is their demographics are predominantly one race or one religion. But USA is the only nation on earth educating a multicultural pluralistic free republican democracy. Educating such a society (USA free multicultural pluralistic republican democracy) is challenging, expensive, produces academic achievement statistics that are good, however challenged due to the nature our great nation is saddled with the academic challenge of reaching students representing all cultures internationally. USA needs to be compassionate and encouraging toward our system of Free Compulsory Education. USA is a world leader, charting educational territories no other country has ever tried.


In my role as Administrator, Planner, Presenter, Manager, Evaluator, and Leader of Campus Life in Secondary Science Education, I am planning on focusing upon the philosophy “Constructivism”: Piaget and Vygotsky (Social Learning). “Constructivism” like existentialism puts the learner at the center of the education. The nature of Education is preparation for living within and serving (within our chosen vocation) our multicultural pluralistic, globalized society (also known as “dominant culture”) developing and using one’s gifts as an expression of one’s heritage and nature. The multicultural educator is saddled with the responsibility of creating a classroom culture able to prepare students within a content area through a perspective respecting their individual heritage, personal needs, personal goals and personal gifts.

Influenced by cultural and economic background, schools are creators of learning cultures diversely populated by students with unique learning needs. Schools have developed many learning paths, some are mainstreamed around a student’s age, some around a student’s ability, some around a student’s heritage, and some around a student’s academic goals. In other words schools are both mainstreamed to teach a diverse multicultural population and at the same time also serve the individual needs of one student using an “Individual Education Program (IEP)”. In a mainstreamed classroom a teacher reaches 80% of the population. The remaining 20% of a mainstreamed population requires special attention and instruction (such as the blessing of an “IEP.) I am planning to prepare for all my students educational and multicultural needs, however, I would like to mention, to address special learning needs and heritage needs, if the district is big enough, students may gather into special populations for special instruction, such as gifted and talented, ESL, learning disabled, deaf, blind, physically challenged, Charter or other purposeful schools. These schools catering to specialized population could gather additional students from outlying areas for specialized online classes using Skype. (Please read my discussion about Charter schools.)

III. Technology I am a “Multicultural Educator” within the content area of Secondary Science Education, students gain wisdom (intelligence) and skills using many educational methodologies in preparing for life and employment. Intelligence is not fixed. Intelligence is a predisposition of an individual to successfully master new information and integrate it into everyday processes. Intelligence is strengthened (or not) by environmental factors: learning environment, types of stimulus, social structure, personal disposition and predisposition (physical and emotional), and type of intelligence being measured as provided for in a classroom. Technology has the ability to develop and assess all types of intelligence. Howard Gardner's list of seven (or eight): Logical –mathematical, Linguistic, Bodily kinesthetic, Musical, Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist, are described in our text book: Sadker & Zittleman, Third Edition Page 39).

I believe in a positive encouraging learning environment, I reinforce students’ progress and success, and do not dwell upon what they have not achieved. The key to the future success within Education will be Educators learning how to provide personal education programs, (individual education programs for every student, (IEPs for everyone) and using online distributed scoring (which allows students test scores to be scored against a pool of peers: based upon heritage, income, family structure, etc.) using technology and increasing the many software programs available. (Someone is going to earn a few billion dollars programming this software.) Student’s “tablets” and notebooks will have menus allowing them to select and customize their learning program according to their blend of types of intelligences, their other important learning identities such as: gender, heritage, age, size, gift, challenge, religion, or political affiliation. The core curriculum will be created by the individual states, fostered by individual school districts, and individualized by each student and their family, a Real and True Individualized Education Program. 

Technology gives students immediate reward (Pavlov). Immediate positive reinforcement provides for creative divergent thinking by positively reinforcing student’s efforts. Immediate reinforcement of their creative efforts creates opportunity to produce future creative approaches to problem solving. The advantages of technology are both in its ability to reach all types of intelligence and immediately reinforce student success, assess progress using near demographics or International pools, and record achievement while developing standards of measurement and comparing standards internationally. Globalization (making our world "multicultural" and neighborly (smaller with good communication, technology, and improved transportation)) is reforming every content area in the classroom. Technology will allow customization in the individual classroom, as well as within each student's individual laptop, notebook or smart phone. Globalization will allow sharing of ideas (already classrooms are being shared internationally using Skype); however, the strength of education and technology partnering is the programs will be individualized. Students will have IEPs (Individual Education Program). 

I believe existing programs will only be a small portion of fertile soil from which new educational software, technology and online interactive classrooms will grow and bring fruit. I feel Education is in its’ dawn of the “Free Compulsory Education movement began in 1860”, challenged and changed by the myriad of many international immigrants into United States between 1860 and 2014. Education was further changed by the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s to an important inclusion of multicultural respect. Education was further changed by the technology boom of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and the third millennium. Our future classrooms will be increasingly connected and interactive globally while instruction and assessment will be personalized for individuals

Education is evolving. Neighborhood and charter schools (“heritage” (race) focused (see attached links) are creating wonderful learning environments where heritage is celebrated and teachers who are embracing identical strands of love of heritage celebrate teaching. On-line education is homogenizing the classroom (integrating: globalizing) and at the same time writing curriculum to honor and to celebrate our multicultural pluralistic globalized society and multiple intelligences using technology. Today’s educational technology (on-line You Tube learning medias (like the ones we experienced last week: ) are a genius integration of “Disney style engaging entertainment” which teaches and reinforces rote memorization as well as allowing students control of their learning within a media students can relate to according to their style of intelligence, demographics, and content area of study.     

One problem with Technology is the temptation for the higher powers controlling technology to not remain objective. The amount of power they have to virtually reward or eliminate one or more human beings at any given moment, creates a real dilemma for human beings of sound mind, heart and moral conscience. If educators allow individual human beings the freedom of liberty as expressed by USA patriots (USA Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights) of "playing by the previously agreed upon rules" and allowing individual expression of moral conscience without one person being enslaved by the ancient social snares, then educators will truly accomplish their honor of "Rabbi" "Teacher", with no one left behind. 

Remember the true key is not even one human being deprived of sound mind and individual moral conscience, not one person being left behind (NCLB). "Why not?" you many ask...the answer is already internationally expressed within the United Nations: "Declaration of Human Rights"(Read:  ) and the USA Constitution and Bill of Rights:

  (   ) "Liberty”. I predict the United Nations will develop fiduciary laws to regulate the power within those who control technology to guarantee and not compromise the importance of the dignity of human life: identity and freedom of expression of moral conscience (and all the liberties protected by USA Bill of Rights and UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights).We the people (international domain) need to agree upon universal standards of moral integrity and hold each other accountable.

  1. Classroom:

Within my Secondary Science Classroom, I am planning on writing my curriculum along the lines of the true purpose of school: to form good human beings, strong citizens of moral conscience, capable of life-long learning, growing, developing into the person God created them to be, interacting positively within a globalizing society, with work skills capable of competing in a multicultural pluralistic republican democracy (USA) and within a globalizing world. I am planning on fostering in my learners a predisposition to successfully master new information and integrate it into everyday processes. I am planning on creating a classroom environment, social structure, learning environment, types of stimulus, disposition and predisposition (physical and emotional), to foster success in all these areas.

Seven principles of effective direct teaching to incorporate in my daily lesson plan.

My Lesson Plan Book Classroom Activity Schedule

  1.  Anticipatory set Daily Review: Quick summary of previous class focus  Variety of style (fun activities, quizzes, Think Pair Share, and ice breakers,)

2.New material New material (Variety: teacher-lead presentation, Video, PowerPoint Presentation, Project based learning, research, interactive hands-on activities, Socratic leading inductive and deductive , laboratory activities, technology activities, student presentations, assessments, formative and interim, mnemonic devices.

  1. Guided practice: (Laboratory activity, Fill in the Blank worksheets, hands on manipulative, 
  2. Specific feedback: Assessments: Formative and Interim
  3. Independent practice: Project based laboratory, work sheets, traditional in class methods, real world application.   Weekly and Summative monthly assessments and reviews.
  4. Discussion of Project Based learning and merits of collaborative or (cooperative learning). Http:// illustrates use of the Scientific Method of Investigation style of interactive, hands on learning (“gestaltism”), according to Piaget stages of Cognitive Development and Vygotsky’s ZPD social interactive supports (scaffolding). The video shows many examples of applications of this style of learning. The “Project Based Learning style” of learning is engaging, fun, and places students in the driver’s seat of their education. Ancient standards (Three Rs: “Reading,’Riting, ‘Rithmetic”) become useful and meaningful and students discover their need to improve in those standards and even accept the advantage memorization (rote) gives them in analyzing and forming predictions. The discovery process is best described using the process described as “the Scientific Method of Investigation”. Student’s curiosity leads them into reading about what is already known (researching), forming a hypothesis, designing a test of the hypothesis, gathering data from experimentation (using Metric system of measurement), analyzing the data using math skills (data tables, graphs, charts, probability and statistics); Art: drawings and illustrations, and writing skills (analyzing, drawing and forming a conclusion (Piaget “Equilibration”). Seymore Papert, Director of Edutopia “Project Based Learning PBL” enthusiastically promotes and predicts this style of learning across the curriculum. Seymore Papert describes this style of learning as the style promoted by the Founding Fathers of Educational Psychology, Jean Piaget, John Dewey, Vygotsky, Freud, etc. I agree. According to “Project based Learning” as described by Seymore Papert, Director of Epistemology and Learning Group, M.I.T. and Bruce Albert, President of National Academy of Sciences, students are learning to mimic what scientists do with real world interactive (gestaltism) hands on laboratory activities and science fair type projects, (both using the Scientific Method of Investigation). I believe this style of learning (Project based Learning) is an idea whose time has come. I believe State Curriculum Guidelines (Core Standards), School Districts, and Educational Programs (Social Groups (GS, BSA, LWV, faith groups, etc.) Clubs, Businesses will write curriculum with built in PBL.
  5.  Closure: Quick summary of day’s accomplishments.

V.. Assessments:

“Without performance assessment methodology, it’s not possible to create a complete portrait of student achievement.” (Cited in O’Neill, 1992) In my classroom I am a teacher who has an understanding of the cultural identities being assessed. I keep in mind general principals of Academic Assessments and I use a variety of assessments. “There are five main question types of Academic Assessments: multiple choice, constructed response, extended constructed response, technology enhanced, and performance task. Three main delivery methods of assessment: paper and pencil, online, or computer adaptive testing. Scoring can be done by hand, by computer, or distributed scoring. Objective testing could be interactive. Objective testing is a limited type assessment, limited in type of intelligence measured. Assessments need to measure strengths and weaknesses and learning across time. Inherent intelligence is measured best with project-based learner’s choice (objective, or subjective, collaborative or individual) assessments which honor intelligence and style of learning. The Learner may have a choice in the type of project, and style, in the expression. Inherent intelligence would be measured by assessing if the learner can apply knowledge to solve problems and create new meaning. Better known examples of Project-Based Learning (PBL) (interactive rubric-base) would be Science Fair Projects, Laboratory Activities, or many others.).” (Paraphrased from: In my classroom I would love to see objective testing accomplished on line, so I may spend my time evaluating real time project based learning assessments in the classroom.

I am planning on using three types of assessment (Benchmarks)

Formative Assessment Every day (Daily Reviews). Measure the learner’s integrating new information into what they already know. Feedback to the learner is immediate (or nearly so) and the learner is able to change their behavior and immediately understand new concepts.

Interim Assessment (Weekly Reviews) Feedback: quick, but may not be immediate. Interim Assessments tend to be more formal, using tools such as projects, written assignments, and tests.

Summative Assessment. (Monthly, semester or annual reviews) Least impact on improving an individual student's understanding or performance. (Iowa Tests or ACT). Teachers, schools, districts can use these assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses of curriculum and instruction.

(Paraphrased from:

  1. Summary The role of the teacher in learning is a manyfold role leading students along these steps or stages of learning. I am a Secondary Science Educator following the Educational Philosophies as described by Bloom, Piaget, Vygotsky, Skinner, and Garner in creating a safe, organized, project based interactive classroom and laboratory environment, equipped with the tools and atmosphere necessary for students to try and make sense of, and integrate, their learning according to district and state educational objectives into their personal base of knowledge for personal and vocational application as good citizens within a multicultural pluralistic free globalizing republican democracy (U.S.A.).

Within a globalizing world and economy, human beings are called into embracing a multicultural pluralistic world where knowing our self and knowing about the cultures and (heritages) we live within is key to coexistence and tolerance of “our” personal uniqueness endowed to us by our Creator. In my Teacher Education studies we first learned to understand ourselves as a cultural beings and now we are enlarging our concept of self and learning about our self within the bigger picture of a multicultural pluralistic society (coexistence alongside other heritages). Our world since World War II and United Nations Declaration of Human Rights has become kinder in focus in its’ cultural, political, and economic purposes. Free Compulsory Education in USA has set the pace in globalizing the world with academically strong multicultural pluralistic systems leading to strong peaceful republican democracy.

Education is evolving. Neighborhood and charter schools (“heritage” (race) focused (see attached links) are creating wonderful learning environments where heritage is celebrate. On-line education is homogenizing (integrating: globalizing) and at the same time writing curriculum to honor and to celebrate our multicultural pluralistic globalized society, multiple intelligences and individual needs. Today’s educational technology (on-line You Tube learning medias (like the ones we experienced last week: ) are a genius integration of “Disney style engaging entertainment” which teaches and reinforces rote memorization as well as allowing students control of their comprehensive content area learning within a media students can relate to according to their style of intelligence.     

VII. Questions and Answers: from “Individual Multicultural Educator Action Plan and Portfolio” As described by course EFD 408, Foundations of American Education “Personal Philosophy of Education” Instructor: L. Petronicolos DOC what a personal philosophy of education statement is. University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.

What should be taught in school (knowledge, skills, and dispositions)? 3Rs, Content area, Real life, Real World application with in a multicultural perspective, job skills, real world application, and multicultural attitude. 

  1. Explain what culture means to you. Are all aspects of culture worth maintaining? What is dominant culture?

Culture is the predominant social environment responding to the life of an individual human being. Culture creates, grows (nurtures through adolescence), and then continues to influence the sense one has of oneself in all stages of life (adulthood). Culture is expressed in the entire person: body, soul, mind (temperament, intelligence), social circles (family, relatives, friends, heritage). Yes, all aspects of culture are worth maintaining. This concept of “maintaining culture” is also known as “coexistence”, diversity, multiculturalism, pluralistic, eclectic, and globalized. A dominant culture is the majority influence within a population. A dominant culture creates, governs, educates, employees the population. (In USA the dominant culture is Anglo Saxon. Coexisting heritages and cultures are African American, Romantic language people, Asian (North, East, South and Western Asia), then Native American Indian. . 

  1. Explain what democracy means to you. Present alternative views of democracy.

Democracy is the governing of a society using a collective vote of the population. Republican Democracy is the collective vote of a population as represented by elected individuals, representing that specific population (usually according to physical location or region). Democracy represents an opportunity for an individual’s fulfillment of the agreed upon opportunities, privileges and rules living within a society. Democracy is the liberty for an individual to seek, express personal choices, and achieve personal realization within the collective multicultural pluralistic society.

  1. Explain what economic success means to you. How do you prepare for it?

Economic success means “debt free living”, steady income, savings of ten percent, tithing of ten percent... Preparing for economic success begins with a self-disciplined life philosophy of “debt free living”, life-long learning, balanced, healthy lifestyle, and understanding of the spiritual rules within financial or economic success.

  1. The social function of the school. How does a teacher today help induct young people into full participation in the dominant culture while respecting the diverse origins, languages, and values of students from the wide variety of cultures and language groups who populate the schools of today? 

Good question. I would have to write a Master’s thesis to answer.

I am hoping to communicate a couple ideas to respectfully respond to the above comprehensive question. (No teasing, it really is of the comprehensive nature of a Master’s thesis statement.)

The nature of Education is preparation for living within and serving (working) our multicultural pluralistic, globalized society (the smallest influence would be a “dominant culture”)such as neighborhood or region or USA dominant culture is by population Anglo Saxon within a multicultural pluralistic society within smaller regions the “culture” becomes a regional expression. With respect for individual nature, gifts, and heritage. The multicultural educator is saddled with the responsibility of creating a classroom culture able to prepare students within a content area through a perspective respecting their individual heritage, personal needs, personal goals and personal gifts. There are many approaches to accommodate respect of diverse origins languages, and values of students from the wide variety of cultures and languages groups who populate the schools of today previously discussed within this philosophy.  

The learning environment is multicultural and pluralistic in mainstream schools, however, in charter schools the learning environment is focused upon a culture expressed by the neighborhood served by the charter school. (Please see the following information about Charter Schools.)

  1. If we assume that, by virtue of cultural and economic background, kids can and do start out at very different places, then different strategies are necessary to support the success of different types of students. How does thinking about different types of learners in this way impact your thinking about your philosophy of education? Many teaching methods offer an inclusive approach in supporting the success of different types of students Project Based Learning, online interactive, cooperative learning, strategies, are all methods I employ on a daily basis in my Secondary Science classroom. Bringing students to state standards for age, grade, content area, is the challenge for a district, school and individual classroom. Students are students are sorted into appropriate classes by abilities, and the nature of curriculum and methods carries a classroom pol of learners along a path of learning.  

Education with Diversity and Globalization The Role of the Charter Schools: Diversity and Globalization Charter Schools

Many varieties of schools (and philosophies) are customized to accommodate the learning needs and objectives of their students: Charter Schools, Magnet Schools, Language immersion schools, Bilingual schools, African American Charter, Hispanic Charter, LGBT Charter, Appropriate (“an idea whose time has come”) “evolutionary and revolutionary” concepts of new charter schools (for those who seek a charter “heritage” honoring education or a magnet schools (such as International Baccalaureate) accompanied with interactive hands-on curriculums (“Project Based”), and on-line education technology reaching students “multiple intelligences” and inherent curiosity and desire for discovery learning (inductive), are leading today’s students into higher levels of learning and applications of learning. Many varieties of Charter school types and philosophies exist, such as gifted and talented, International Baccalaureate, Bilingual, Language Immersion, ESL, Teaching disabled, Schools for Hearing Impaired, Schools for the Blind, Schools for the physically challenged, etc. These Charter schools serve the mission of the individual districts. Charter Schools are the solution 1The learning environment is multicultural and pluralistic in mainstream schools, However, in charter schools the learning environment is focused upon a culture expressed by the neighborhood served by the charter school.   


“Introduction to Education Third Edition” Miller, Sadker,Zittleman”   (Denver Area Charter Schools) (New York French Charter Schools)  (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Charter Schools)    (Hispanic)  (African American)

Individual Multicultural Educator Action Plan and Portfolio

As described by course EFD 408, Foundations of American Education “Personal Philosophy of Education” Instructor: L. Petronicolos DOC what a personal philosophy of education statement is. University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.

11/28/2014 8:45:36 PM

Maryellen Elizabeth Hart Philosophy of Education MSU EDS 3130 Draft 4 November 2014 viewable link:


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