Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9
William Anderson Gittens Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the?Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Servi

Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9


At the outset let me state for the record that when I first pondered the question what really is sovereignty?. Immediately I conjured the concepts inherent right and spirituality. I suppose my initial reaction to this intellectual question was influenced somewhat by culture since I am a License Cultural Practitioner; and quiet rightly so because my retort naturally is predicated on the totality of socially transmitted behaviour patterns, arts, beliefs, insti- tutions, and all other products of human work and thought. According to culture is learned and shared within social groups and is transmitted by non genetic means. Equally, according to explains Sovereignty as a political concept that refers to dominant power or supreme authority. In a monarchy, supreme power resides in the "sovereign", or king. The Sovereign is the one who exercises power without limitation. Sovereignty is essentially the power to make laws. That said I am also conscious of the fact there is a school of thought that suggest according to the cultural orientation of the people within a society or group determines their definition of power and how they react towards those in authority. Power complements culture in the sense that it enforces cultural values and norms. This thinking provides justification for the Bajan angle of view which I proffered to legitimize the contextualization of this conversation. This philosophy is explained by Blackstone who defines Sovereignty as a political concept that refers to dominant power or supreme authority. In a monarchy, supreme power resides in the "sovereign", or king. The Sovereign is the one who exercises power without limitation. Sovereignty is essentially the power to make laws. What I have extrapolated though thus far through my lens as a Media Arts Practitioner helped me to focus on the explicit details of Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9 and observing very carefully the specific qualities, times, places, and people of a real world?

ideal culture including the values and norms that a culture claims to have. The same also involves an idealized, uncompromising value system that dictates perfect behaviour. In this context, in Real culture, on the other hand, includes the values and norms that are actually followed by a culture and one such culture is sovereignty. Therefore, in the scheme of things and while all things are being considered I am simply purporting that this discourse can be ventilated through a curious lens which allowed me to capture and frame the details which are explicit and has also activated my desire to learn and know more. As a result of the researched information what I have gleaned thus far that this data works harmoniously with the premise in view of the fact that it has activated my cognition abilities to focus with another lens on the maintenance of the distinction within the precincts of Language since it reflects our culture, and it can have a big impact on our relationship with food Medieval, The Middle ages, Reformation, Age of Enlightenment, Exclusivity, Legalistic Sense, Internal and External Sovereignty, Different Interpretations, Military Occupation", Modes for Ac- quisition of Sovereignty, Cession is the transfer of territory from one state to another usually by means of treaty; Occupation is the acquisition of territory that belongs to no state (or terra nullius); Prescription is the effective control of territory of another acquiescing state; Operations of nature is the acquisition of territory through natural processes like river accretion or volcanism; Creation is the process by which new land is (re)claimed from the sea such as in the Netherlands. Adjudication and conquest, Human Cultures, Concept of sovereignty, Rethinking sovereignty, Culture,Language and Food as a conversation that may very well provide an understanding of sovereignty. It is logical therefore to assume that all of the aforesaid concepts which are also lenses are inextricably linked and by the same token you can't understand this culture without first learning a languageLet us be clear the aforesaid concepts are deeply intertwined, could very well reach an emotional level.This explicit admission is timely and important because it certainly created a platform for me to grappled with the premise Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9 through my metaphoric lens as an Author, Cinematographer, Media Arts Specialist, License Cultural Practitioner, Podcaster and Publisher. What is also very telling and interesting about this discussion the more that I drilled down into this topic I have?

unearthed a perception known as sovereignty which is a quintessentially expression which is espoused by Martin Loughlin.However, the stark reality is that absolute sovereignty is quintessential modern sovereignty. But in recent decades, it has begun to be circumscribed by institutions like the EU, the UN’s practices of sanctioning intervention, and the international criminal court. A final pair of adjectives that define sovereignty is “internal” and “external.” Plausibly this thinking suggest that in early modern times, French theorist Jean Bodin thought that sovereignty must reside in a single individual. For example, over the centuries, new notions of the holders of sovereignty have evolved. Stefano R joins the discourse and argues that Sovereignty refers to the ability of the state to act independently on the world stage granting authority to rule itself. Over time, due to the growth of civil society and the expansion of international organizations has led to a condition of pooled sovereignty for many states.That said Donna Ennis through another lens espoused the view that Cultural Sovereignty is our inherent right to use our values, traditions, and spirituality to protect our future. Ennis’ perspective further activated my mental processes to the extent that I have gained knowledge and comprehension coupled with several other processes which included thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving and higher-level functions of my brain language, imagination, perception, and planning. The more that I directed my lens from various angles on Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9 , my analysis and perception of the same as a concept is notoriously difficult but, in essence, under international law it is a power and right, recognized or effectively asserted in respect of a defined part of the globe, to govern in respect of that part to the exclusion of nations or states or peoples occupying other parts of the globe.Further Even though Cultural Sovereignty is perceived as abstract and ancient, yet it predates the arrival of non-Indians. It is a kind of sovereignty that we can only lose if we choose to give it up. Cultural Sovereignty is our inherent right to use our values, traditions, and spirituality to protect our future. Another angle of Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9 underscores the fact that it is a political concept that refers to dominant power or supreme authority. In a monarchy, supreme power resides in the "sovereign", or king. It should be noted that in modern democracies, sovereign power rests with the people and is exercised through representative bodies such as Congress or Parliament. For instance The Sovereign is the one who exercises power without limitation. Sovereignty is essentially the power to make laws, even as Blackstone defined it. The term also carries implications of autonomy; to have sovereign power is to be beyond the power of others to interfere. Beyond lawmaking power, two other (often contentious) aspects of sovereignty are eminent domain (the right of the sovereign to take private property for public use) and sovereign immunity (which offers the sovereign protection from lawsuits).In the past 25 years or more, political observers have diagnosed a crisis of the sovereign nation state and the erosion of state sovereignty through supranational institutions and the global mobility of capital, goods, information and labour. Plausibly” in the realm of linguistics cultural sovereignty" may comport itself as a heuristic concept which could provide new views on these developments since the beginning of the 20th century and in some ways may mimic the Industrial Revolution. Further to this point cultural sovereignty may very well influence all human affairs to become international a view espoused by Arnold J.Toynbee.If we understand the how and the why of Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9; plausibly we would also recognize that it provides the environment to understand the why because there seems be a very close correlation between theory and practice. As a result, without understanding the theory of Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9 it is highly plausible that we are unable able to live out or furthermore identify this way of life. In this genre when the preverbal dust is settled, contextually speaking I humbly suggesting that the underpinning of this conversation Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9is seemingly grounded in the doctrine of culture. This conversation is just an expression of global citizens’ behaviour because we are just conduits. I go further to?state that this dialogue does not only exist in an idealized form but is also expressed as a way of life. I am simply purporting that this conversation can also be discoursed through a curious lens which allows us to capture and frame explicit details which also activated our desire to learn and know more. What I have gleaned thus far from the information researched works harmoniously with the premise Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9 and the maintenance of the distinction within the precincts of language and food as a conversation that may very well provide an understanding of sovereignty. In my closing comments as an Author, Cinematographer, Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Podcaster, and Publisher what I extrapolated thus far through my lens was to focus my attention to the specific qualities, times, places, and people of a real world ideal culture including the values and norms that a culture claims to have. It involved an idealized, uncompromising value system that dictates perfect behaviour as part of the explicit details of Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9. In this con- text in Real culture, on the other hand, included the values and norms that are actually followed by a culture and one such culture is sovereignty. Therefore, in the scheme of things while all things are being considered I am simply purporting that this conversation Philosophizing The Sovereignty of Culture ? 2022 ISBN 978-976-96824- 2-9 can be discourse through a curious lens which allow you to capture and frame explicit details; at the same time activating a desire to learn and know more. What I have also gleaned thus far as through education and research lens which highlights information that implies that the same works harmoniously with the premise and the maintenance of the distinction within the precincts of these concepts as a conversation may very well provide an understanding of sovereignty Philoso- phizing the Sovereignty of Culture ? 202240 was examined through a reasoned lens and was captured and framed in detail in this Publication 278 in 31 Chapters was now verbalized in Podcast 146 in ISBN 978-976-96824-2-9 .


Culture Definitions | What does culture mean? | Best 44 Definitions of Culture (

? ? Wex

Gittens,William Anderson , Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Publisher,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing?2015??

? ? Courses ? Social Science Courses?


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