Philosophical Musing on Grinding 3/3
AI-supported machine components and grinding process monitoring
An abridged version of this chapter on component monitoring appeared in ?Gear Technology? magazine, ?Making Gear Grinding Transparent,? May 2022 1). It was combined with the machine component monitoring article in ?Transmission International? magazine 2), ?Automatic Machine Component Monitoring,? October 2022. Authors: Walter Graf & Dr. Christian Dietz, Reishauer AG, Switzerland
This chapter, part 3/3, focuses on gear grinding, specifically continuous generating grinding. Nevertheless, the methods described here could be applied to any precision grinding process. Part 3/3 of ?Philosophical Musings about Grinding? is the authors' assessment of what direction modern grinding practices will take. While computers have been applied to grinding processes in the past, as addressed in part 2/3, the recent progress in artificial intelligence offers new perspectives. In the first part, the article describes machine component monitoring. In the second part, the focus is on monitoring the grinding process itself.
Continuous generating gear grinding has established itself as the preferred method of hard-finishing automotive gears. The machine tools – the gear grinding machines – have reached an elevated level of maturity, leaving little room for improvement on the mechanical side. However, recent developments in process and component monitoring have added a new dimension to the performance of these gear grinding machines. Additionally, machine components are subject to wear over time. The critical questions regarding wear are when it may affect workpiece quality and cause NVH issues. To answer these questions, this article focuses on machine component monitoring and how this is used, by applying artificial intelligence (AI), to predict and avoid the negative impacts of wear. In the context of Reishauer gear grinders, component monitoring refers to all machine axes and their bearings used in the grinding process to achieve the required quality of the gear flanks.
For this purpose, Reishauer has developed a process and component monitoring system – ARGUS –based on artificial intelligence (AI). Several prerequisites must be met for artificial intelligence to be effectively used in the first place. First of all, a large amount of curated data is needed, based on which it becomes possible to derive physical regularities on which to design algorithms. In this context, there is also a need for experts and professionals from the gearing industry who can program the algorithms required for AI. In a nutshell: AI has to be hard-won! What is called ?intelligence? in AI is based on lengthy processes of sending reviewed and curated data sets through neural networks. Subsequently, the data output results must be checked, revised, and sent backward through the neural network (see Illustration 1). In this manner, the AI system continuously learns, constantly corrects itself, and adjusts the algorithms accordingly within its hidden layers. This process is also called deep learning.
lustration 1: Neural network
So, what can artificial intelligence do much better than human intelligence? AI can find the proverbial needle in a haystack at lightning speed. AI is based on pattern recognition, uncovering unusual correlations in enormous amounts of data that would usually escape human intelligence. AI is, first and foremost, a decision-making technology. In component monitoring, speed and accuracy of decision-making are imperative, and AI is lightning fast.
Automated component monitoring requires a cloud structure for data storage to cope with the large volumes of data continuously generated by countless grinding machines worldwide and around the clock, as shown in Illustration 2.
Illustration 2: Cloud Structure of Large Machine Tool Population
Furthermore, it requires overarching machine algorithms that can evaluate the anonymized data about the states of the machine components in real time with AI. The grinding machine runs autonomous cyclic tests that reflect the components' conditions. Since the grinding machines generate enormous quantities of signals, the signal quantity is only useful if it can be interpreted. To this end, in the past, it was necessary to bring in a highly skilled person who knew how to interpret and analyze changes in the signals - especially in real time - because it is of paramount importance to interpret the data before any critical process condition can occur. No matter how experienced, this person cannot interpret the multiple problems in the volumes of data generated today. The ACD does not expect errors but is constantly evaluating and thus uncovering tendencies in the deviations. It is only based on analyzing these tendencies that preventive maintenance becomes possible. Due to the large amount of data, the ACD finds even the smallest errors or deviations. The detected errors, for example, can then be traced back to a bearing of a machine axis.
Only enormous amounts of data, which are available anonymized in a cloud, make it possible to train the corresponding algorithms. It is important to mention that the legal regulations concerning data protection must be strictly observed. The machine can be checked as often as required without needing personnel, without interrupting the production cycle, enabling preventive maintenance and saving user costs, as machine downtimes can now be planned.
Over time, the precision of the algorithms continues to improve as the knowledge gained leads to further developments and refinements. In addition, since sensor technology is constantly evolving and always integrated into the ARGUS system, this also continuously upgrades the analyses and the algorithms. Whereas failure analyses took a huge amount of time, with the help of ARGUS, the Reishauer experts can perform a failure analysis at lightning speed. For example, the specialists can predict a potential NVH problem (disturbing transmission noise) from the signals, preventing faulty parts from being installed in the finished transmission. Previously, such problems required an expensive and time-consuming trip to the user's site.
Even though there is a complex cloud architecture and high-level algorithms in the background, this complexity is broken down for the user in the web application into an easy-to-interpret color code. If the light bar is yellow or red, this indicates damage development and component failure (see Illustration 3). Customers can subsequently give Reishauer specialists access to the data in the cloud. A specialist can then analyze the problem in the shortest possible time and suggest appropriate corrective measures.
Illustration 3: Dashboard of Several Machine Tools' Component Status
In addition to preventive maintenance, ACD's great strength is to index between ?good? and ?bad.? Thus, not only are trends visualized, but signal patterns are distinguished between ?good? and ?bad.? This differentiation helps the user to save costs by minimizing downtime and avoiding major damage to the machine.
Component monitoring is only one aspect of ARGUS. The other important dimension is process monitoring to move closer to the desire for zero-defect production. The latest version also implements ?closed-loop technology,? integrating computer-controlled measuring machines (CMMs). Process and component monitoring can avoid NVH issues, improve productivity, eliminate rejects, and reduce costs.
EOL NVH?Prediction
Modern and future transmissions face new demands in today's industrial conversion of conventional drive concepts from internal combustion engines to electric drives. On the one hand, these demands address increased power densities because of the high torque of electric motors and, on the other hand, the increasing demand for quieter transmissions. Electric drives are devoid of noise masking, as known in combustion engines. Furthermore, gear developers and process engineers in gear machining today face new challenges given the higher RPM of electric drives. This section discusses and offers solutions to these challenges.
In producing hard fine-machined gears, NVH behavior is a relevant and established criterion for assessing the suitability of high-performance gears. Generally, this assessment takes place on an EOL test bench, after the final assembly of the gearbox and as a last step of the manufacturing chain. Of course, detecting any defect is of particular importance at that stage. However, an earlier assessment and detection of defects can reduce higher potential costs caused by NVH issues.
Cyclic machine component analysis of the ARGUS system offers excellent potential for an INLINE assessment of the real-time machine condition. The general and actual machine conditions can be assessed and recorded based on cyclically repeated and standardized tests. As shown in Illustration 4, ARGUS makes it easy to predict or analyze the wear behavior of a bearing of the shift axis. As a rule, representing the measurement signals across the frequency range is advantageous for resolving specific problems. Looking back in time, as shown in Illustration 6, the bearing wear of the shift axis Y had increased since April 2021 and reached its peak in June 2021. The problem was solved by replacing the faulty bearing component. In summary, it can be shown that component damage can be detected at an early stage. This early detection means potential machine component-related EOL problems can be remedied and avoided early.
The crucial issue in analyzing EOL problems is, of course, to interpret the selected issues. A standard solution is reverse engineering. However, despite all the efforts and measures taken, noise issues can still occur in the EOL test bench, even though this is rarely the case. Once a specific order is detected and identified in the gearbox, an order analysis can identify the likely machine problem. (Shown in an example of a test bench measurement in Illustration 4).
In the case shown here, the gear test bench shows a conspicuous order of 313, see Illustration 5, which corresponds to excitation at the 313th multiple of the gear rotation frequency. Subsequently, this EOL excitation must be attributed to potential component damage. The ARGUS system allows a back-calculation of the component measurements based on a WEB-NVH analysis. As all the grinding technology and geometrical data have been tracked and recorded in a cloud-stationed database, a back-calculation based on patented methods can be executed to show the component measurements and behavior relevant to an EOL excitation in the gearbox. A data set of the available machining technology and geometrical data is used to generate the data of all the axes and their EOL orders. Hence, it is easy to identify a problem originating in the Y-axis, which has led to excitation in the gearbox in order 313. Alternatively, and even more simply, detailed searches for correlating NVH inciting orders can also be conducted via the Argus WEB system. In this example, a thorough examination was conducted for an order of 313. As shown by Illustration 7, the output was a clearcut table identifying the wear-related bearing damage of the shift axis Y.?
Illustration 4: Component cycle measurements of the Shift Axis Y across time, shown in Hz?
Illustration 5: Typical bearing orders of the Y-Axis, Representation of the component cycle measurements of relevant machine axes in the generating grinding process with occurred bearing damage in the shift axis Y; shown in orders of the gears of an End of Line (EOL) test bench over a given course of time. 6: EOL spectrum from the transmission test bench
Illustration 6: EOL spectrum from the transmission test bench?
Illustration 7: Excerpt of a potential error search related to the issue in question; component error correlated to a searched EOL order of 313 refers to the shift axis Y.
In summary, the ARGUS EOL feature can predict NVH issues by analyzing the state of the entire machine components according to standardized and cyclical measurements. Inversely, supposing an NVH problem has been discovered on the EOL test rig, patented algorithms help identify worn-out parts of the machine tool.
Machine tool maintenance
Machine tool maintenance is subdivided into two distinct forms: preventive and predictive maintenance. Preventive maintenance is according to a given plan. It is based on time, such as the age of components, guidelines by the component manufacturer, number of axes movements, or other similar established indicators. The independent system described in this paper primarily uses predictive maintenance. In other words, maintenance decisions rely on the actual state of components and not on their age or recommended service intervals. On this basis, unnecessary service downtimes and concomitant costs can be avoided. Machine tool services have become more predictable and, therefore, more economical. Given stable grinding processes and acceptable pre-machining, fully functional machine components result in workpieces of higher quality. For this reason, component monitoring significantly contributes to the overall quality assurance process.
The system automatically initiates recurring NC testing cycles to measure and evaluate all the relevant grinding machine axes and bearings involved in the process. It thus enables early detection of electromechanical deviations via sensors that measure vibrations, forces, acoustic signals, and temperature. Maintenance costs are optimized in planning and diagnosis, and some potential EOL gear anomalies may be avoided.
Combining databases and cloud computing, the fully integrated system offers 100% retraceability of the ground workpieces. Each grinding, dressing, and clamping process parameter and the actual state of all the machine components can be allocated to each specific workpiece. Combining the data-based experience of the machine tool builder and the machining processes with real-time monitoring and data analysis can predict required maintenance with a high degree of probability. On the web-based representation of the total number of machines in operation, maintenance tasks are indicated in a color scheme of varying escalation steps, from green to orange and red. Green describes the machine status as ?ok,? while orange indicates upcoming maintenance within a few weeks. Red indicates that maintenance action is required immediately.
Grinding process monitoring
Illustration 8: Argus process and component monitoring
According to the German DIN 8589 standards, the definition of grinding is ?a machining process with geometrically undefined cutting edges.? This definition may lead to the misconception that the grinding process is only vaguely definable. This chapter dispels the notion of ?vaguely definable.? It argues that even as complex a process as continuous generating gear grinding can be defined, made stable, and have its limits established by the ARGUS process monitoring system, using AI assistance. Throughout this text, the process monitoring system is referred to as the ?system.? The system renders the gear grinding process transparent and analyzable. Its application leads toward zero-defect production and delivers 100% workpiece traceability.
In simple terms, the system monitors dressing and grinding intensities via intelligent real-time data processing and proven AI algorithms. Each ground gear's dressing and grinding data are captured and stored in a database and remain 100% traceable. The system offers comprehensive data analysis possibilities with stored and tracked process and tooling data and individual workpiece identification via DMC (data matrix code). Preset evaluation limits govern the process interaction and trigger the automatic removal of workpieces that fall outside the set limits.
Illustration 9 – Elements of the process monitoring system
Continuous generating grinding
The continuous generating gear grinding process is based on a dressable, vitrified-bonded, threaded grinding wheel called a grinding worm. In simple terms, kinematics can be understood as a worm drive with superimposed simultaneous axis movements representing the feeds of the abrasive action. The X-infeed controls the depth of cut of the threaded wheel in the grinding process, and the Z feed rate represents a vertical feed movement. The so-called shifting is a feed motion in an axial Y-direction to the threaded wheel. The shifting movement ensures that grinding never takes place on the same spot on the threaded wheel. In this way, only freshly dressed and unused abrasive grits determine the material removal and the generated gear profile. High-precision diamond rolls profile the threaded wheel such that generating movement of the wheel results in constant high-quality manufacture of the gear profiles. The generating process delivers constant accuracy at high production volumes. However, the high output means that in-process measuring is impossible, as in cylindrical grinding processes. Gear grinding's axis movements are far more complex than cylindrical grinding and thus do not allow the use of in-process measuring probes.
Furthermore, the generating process is subject to rapidly changing contact conditions between the grinding wheel and the workpiece. It generates concomitant force vacillations and features a higher complexity known in cylindrical or surface grinding. Illustration 10 shows the axes configuration and generating grinding kinematics.
Illustration 10 – Axes configuration of a continuous generating grinder
One of the essential features of the generating grinding machine is the high output within a brief period. For automotive transmissions, grinding cycle times range from 8 seconds for small pinions to one minute for ring gears. For this reason, not all ground parts can be measured by CMMs because the measurement times are much higher than the grinding times and the prohibitive costs this would incur. For this reason, the automotive gear industry relies on sample measurements, representing only a tiny fraction of the total manufacturing lot, generally not higher than five percent.
The continuous grinding process is considered stable and robust as repeated diamond dressing, and the shifting during grinding guarantees a constant high-quality level. However, new gear testing methods are investigated, given that the gears are subjected to ever-increasing quality demands. More significantly, 100% checking and constant monitoring of the grinding process gain importance. The sample testing processes used in the automotive gear industry carry the remaining risks that gears of insufficient quality may end up inside transmissions. Furthermore, the tactile measuring methods of CMMs are, as a rule, incapable of picking up minor waviness on the surface structure of gear flanks that may cause detrimental noise (NVH) in transmissions.
The remaining risk of introducing workpieces of insufficient quality can be eliminated if the grinding intensity generated during the machining process is used as an evaluation criterion. The real-time analysis of the intensity signal identifies a faulty workpiece during the grinding process if the set signal values have been exceeded. Moreover, this method translates into a 100% checking of the workpieces. Consequently, faulty workpieces are automatically removed from the manufacturing process. Reoccurring defective workpieces are recognized as a systematic error that leads to a stoppage of the grinding process with a corresponding error message to the operator.
The cause of exceeding the grinding intensity could be too much or too little grinding stock, hardness distortions, or excessive out-of-roundness from the pre-machining process. The system features integrated sensors to check the dimensions of the pre-machined gear parts. Excessive out-of-roundness or cumulative pitch errors either lead to an additional grinding stroke or the rejection and removal of the workpiece if the system determines that additional grinding strokes would not produce a good part.
?Grinding intensity? in the system context is a force model to calibrate and standardize the grinding forces 3). The force model considers the continually changing chip forming zone, including the local cutting kinematics during changes in the grinding wheel diameter, the changing grinding condition due to variations in wheel RPM, and the prevalent lever ratios across the grinding wheel width in relation to the grinding spindle bearing which supports the wheel on one side only. This standardization and calibration make it possible to set very narrow limits that result in a high-resolution error evaluation. For this reason, even small force vacillations can be detected and automatically evaluated during the process. A typical progression of a 2-step grinding intensity signal is shown in Illustration 11, as it appears on the machine tool's CNC monitor. The higher dark blue area on the left corresponds to the roughing pass, and the lower dark blue area on the right corresponds to the finishing pass. The upper limit of the roughing grinding pass is set at 55, while the process runs at an intensity of 48. For the finishing pass, the upper limit is set at 33, with the process running at an intensity of 25. Hence, roughing and finishing are well within limits. The workpiece is automatically removed from the production cycle if the roughing or the finishing limits are exceeded. The limits are either suggested by the process monitoring system, based on the AI's self-learning, or set by the user, who may have made their own experience over time and many production lots.
Illustration 11 – Grinding intensity progression
The grinding intensity shows if a threaded grinding wheel maintains a consistent cutting performance across its width and usable diameter. As a rule, the operators evaluate grinding wheels subjectively, as empirical data is unavailable. The inhomogeneous hardness variation can only be indirectly assessed via deteriorating gear flank profiles, even though this deterioration may have other causes. The system allows the hardness gradient across the grinding wheel width and the changing diameter to be visible, measurable, and classified, as shown in Illustration 12.
Illustration 12 – Hardness variation across the threaded grinding wheel width
Illustration 12 shows the grinding intensities across the shifting axis width Y of some 5,300 workpieces. The upper point cloud represents the roughing strokes, and the lower, denser point cloud represents the finishing strokes. The roughing stroke illustrates a diminishing grinding intensity from right to left. In contrast, the finishing strokes show the reverse, i.e., an increase in the grinding intensities from right to left. The decrease in grinding intensities during the roughing indicates process-induced wear of the threaded grinding wheel. As a rule, the underlying calibrated force model guarantees an almost constant level of grinding intensities across the full grinding wheel width.
For this reason, it is reasonable to conclude that the drop in the intensity levels during the roughing process is exclusively due to a continuous microscopic deterioration of the bond-grain matrix of the threaded wheel. This deterioration leads to a gradually lower material removal on the workpieces. The increasing grinding intensity during the finishing strokes indicates the concomitant compensation of reduced material removal of the preceding roughing strokes. The described wear effect on the threaded wheel leads to an unstable process and rejected workpieces. These rejects had to be removed during the process and are shown as dark red dots on the lower left side of the point cloud of the roughing stroke. The user had to change the grinding wheel specification to stabilize the process in this instance.
The grinding intensity also offers insight into the out-of-roundness levels of clamping fixtures or roundness deviations of the pre-machined workpieces. Illustration 13 illustrates the roundness indicator of the system, which, in this case, shows a situation where there is a marked roundness differential between the machine's two work spindles, C1 and C2. Both identical spindles are mounted on the revolving machine turret and alternatively rotated by 180° into the grinding position. The system uses proven algorithms to process the time signals captured by the measuring sensors to interpret the dynamics effects of the out-of-roundness of the workpieces on the grinding intensities. Using these intensities offers several significant advantages to the operator. The simple interpretability ensures that the analysis of even a complicated process no longer requires the services of highly trained and expensive specialists.
Additionally, even high data volumes generated by large production lots can be visualized. Academic studies are often based on time and frequency analysis of vast data sets, reaching several gigabytes. The system's scalar format of the data parameters makes the graphical representation easy, even with thousands of measured data points. Moreover, the system does not require a specific software and hardware evaluation. It can be operated with a simple web application on standard web browsers. Given the small data size, it can be transferred at any time via the internet or internal networks, even on networks of small bandwidths, and can be efficiently uploaded or downloaded.
Illustration 13 - Out-of-roundness on one clamping fixture
The red dots in Illustration 13, representing work spindle C1, show a consistently small out-of-roundness across 5,300 workpieces. The scattering within the bandwidth of the red dots is typical and acceptable due to variations in the pre-machining quality. However, within the first three-quarters of the bandwidth from left to right, the blue dots, i.e., from workpiece 1 to 4,000, show a much broader scattering. This higher spread is clearly due to a higher out-of-roundness of the clamping fixture on the C2 axis and could not have come from the workpieces. Once the clamping fixture was clocked into the correct position, the process became stable and identical for both work spindles as of workpiece 4,000, as shown on the right of Illustration 13. It is essential to point out that even the blue dots up to workpiece 4,000 were still within an acceptable pre-machining tolerance. Nevertheless, the system would lead to the removal of workpieces if these were outside the set levels.
The application of this system has significant economic benefits. Besides monitoring geometrical inconsistencies, detecting grinding burns is essential to ensure stable production conditions. Grinding burns must be avoided at all costs. Therefore, one of the most common strategies to prevent thermal damage is to reduce feedrates, as thermal damage thresholds are unknown. However, suppose the grinding intensities are calibrated on ground components and proven free of thermal damage. In that case, the process can be optimized with higher feed rates and lower shifting rates. This process optimization leads to shorter grinding cycle times and increased tool life of grinding wheels and diamond rolls, translating into better process economics. Furthermore, as mentioned in the introduction, the principal aim of the process monitoring system is to achieve zero-error production.
The process and component monitoring system presented in this chapter shows that even the most complex grinding process, such as the continuous generating gear grinding process, can be made transparent and controllable. The authors believe that the EOL feature of predicting and analyzing potential NVH issues is the most significant customer benefit. ARGUS's level of AI-based transparency of the grinding process and control over it not only carries economic benefits. It leads to the zero-error production demanded by the end-users of grinding processes. In the authors' view, ARGUS embodies the future of grinding processes.
3)????Dietz, Christian, Numerische Simulation des W?lzschleifprozesses unter Berücksichtigung des dynamischen Verhaltens des Systems Maschine – Werkzeug – Werkstück, PhD Dissertation 2017, ETH No 24172.
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