A Philosophical Discourse on Disappointment with Samir Chopra PhD
Harvesting Happiness
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As major elections unfold globally, uncertainty grips the world. Family members, neighbors, and friends who may have previously tolerated differences of opinion have become increasingly divisive and less accepting of alternative perspectives. Contests of this magnitude ensure that certain groups must grapple with disappointment. How can we unburden ourselves and others during these significant events?
For a bit of philosophical discourse about disappointment, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, philosophical counselor, and professor emeritus of philosophy at Brooklyn College, Samir Chopra.?
Samir shares insights about how acting in service to others can reduce the sting of our disappointment, how life is an exercise of peaks and valleys, and how self-care can ease anxiety and restore sanity.
This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…
Original Air Date Wednesday, November 06, 2024
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Meet Our Guest:
Samir Chopra, PhD, is a philosophical counselor and professor emeritus of philosophy at Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center of the
City University of New York. He has authored and co-authored several books, including works on film, artificial intelligence, and sports. Samir is a proponent of critical thinking who assists others in managing anxiety and mental health through a philosophical approach.
Book: Anxiety: A Philosophical Guide
Samir Chopra PhD — Philosophical Discourse on Disappointment:
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