Philanthropy Must Advance Climate Justice Now. Here’s How
Originally published in Inside Philanthropy on April 12, 2023.
Climate justice is taking center stage. The U.N.’s latest climate summit established a loss and damage fund in response to global climate injustice. Washington is spending record-breaking amounts of money on climate, and Biden-Harris administration policies aim to steer much of it to communities already feeling the effects of climate change. Public officials are on notice that communities of color and low-income communities have suffered first and worst from climate change and the dirty energy economy, and that these same communities offer practical solutions and perspectives essential to solving the climate crisis.
So why does only 1.3% of environmental philanthropic giving go to climate justice organizations? A just transition to a clean energy economy requires rapidly leveling the playing field and working to heal generational harm. In this critical period for climate action, philanthropy must do better.?
And there are solutions. This article lays out four ways philanthropies can advance climate justice by quickly, efficiently and effectively directing funding (1) to grassroots groups, (2) to front-line alliances, (3) through trusted intermediaries and (4) to community-controlled financial institutions.
Through these pathways, philanthropy can support effective, replicable solutions — including UPROSE’s community-owned rooftop solar project in Brooklyn, Urban Tilth’s organic farm in California, and Native Renewables’ Indigenous-built solar arrays for off-grid Navajo and Hopi homes. Hundreds of initiatives like these are curbing climate change as they build resilient communities, influence policy and inspire imaginations.?
Giving to grassroots groups
A few funders offer excellent examples of how to support front-line climate justice organizations.
These funders defer to the wisdom and expertise of grassroots grantees, trusting them to know what will work in their own communities. Best practices include simplifying applications and reporting requirements, providing multi-year general operating support, and cutting red tape. Their results show that community-led climate solutions are ripe for scaling through replication across the country.
Supporting alliances and networks?
Just as mutual funds offer a way to invest in a lot of companies at once, alliances and networks of front-line organizations offer diverse portfolios of climate solutions ready for investment, vetted by the communities that will implement them.
Other active networks of grassroots organizations include Black Voters Matter , Grassroots Global Justice Alliance , Indigenous Environmental Network , Native Organizers Alliance and Right to the City Alliance .
Working with trusted intermediaries
Funders like the JPB Foundation and the Kresge Foundation engage with intermediaries as part of multi-pathway strategies in their climate justice portfolios. Intermediaries that have spent years developing accountable relationships with grassroots groups and alliances can help bridge the gap between funders and the front lines. In addition to facilitating funding, they respond to grantees’ requests for other assistance and develop shared initiatives that build capacity and the movement as a whole — from educational programs to collective communications efforts.?
To demonstrate the power of this pathway, here’s an example involving one of the richest men in the world.
When Jeff Bezos started the Bezos Earth Fund with a $10 billion commitment to climate action, the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) and allies publicly called for funding to go to grassroots groups.?
Bezos and his team reached out to The Solutions Project (TSP), an intermediary led by this article’s co-author, Gloria Walton. As a Black woman who grew up in Mississippi, led a community organization in South Los Angeles, and then took the helm at The Solutions Project — which funds and provides communications and other support to community-rooted climate justice groups — Gloria can speak with authority about both philanthropy and the front lines of the climate crisis.
Gloria and Jacqui Patterson of The Chisholm Legacy Project educated the Bezos Earth Fund about the discrepancy between where climate investment is most needed and effective, and where philanthropic dollars actually flow. Rather than reinventing the wheel, the Bezos Earth Fund quickly moved $141 million to front-line communities through four trusted intermediaries, including TSP, NDN Collective and the Hive Fund for Climate and Gender Justice , which in turn resourced hundreds of grassroots organizations.
CJA kept up public pressure on the Bezos Earth Fund. Together, CJA and TSP asked the big green groups that received the majority of Bezos Earth Fund funding to direct resources to grassroots organizations, establishing what’s now known as the Fund for Front-line Power . The fund is 100% grassroots-governed, and is financed by 11 donors so far. This month, the grassroots leaders directing the fund will announce its first slate of grants to front-line groups.?
Funding community-controlled financial initiatives
Funders new to climate justice should know that justice-oriented groups see most accumulated wealth — including philanthropies’ endowments — as largely linked to stolen land, exploited labor and unfair practices that benefit the richest few while leaving the environment and generations of vulnerable people worse off. Now, front-line communities are creating their own financial entities, including loan funds, land trusts and worker cooperatives — all designed to keep dollars circulating locally, keeping wealth in communities.
A few examples:
Our call for philanthropy
As climate justice funding flows from philanthropies and governments, there’s a danger that it will be siphoned off by big, well-resourced, top-down organizations before it reaches front-line climate communities. Philanthropy has a responsibility to support the grassroots during this potential green gold rush, and to see that the flow of funding doesn’t make inequities worse or weaken climate solutions.?
Both of our organizations have experience advising philanthropies, governing funds and connecting funders to peer advisers. Don’t be shy about reaching out to us or to other organizations in this article. Useful resources include Candid’s report “Centering Equity and Justice in Climate Philanthropy ,” CJA’s Climate Justice Dialogue for Funders , and the Regenerative Economies Organizing Collaborative’s list of funder courses.
If we truly want to avoid the worst effects of climate change, we are rapidly running out of time to act. We call on philanthropy to speed funding to the front lines, where climate change is already a reality — and where creative solutions are proving that we can restore the planet while also building a more just and equitable society.
Marion Gee is co-executive director of the Climate Justice Alliance , which unites front-line organizations building a just transition toward resilient, regenerative, equitable economies. Gloria Walton is CEO and president of The Solutions Project , a nonprofit that funds and amplifies climate justice solutions created by front-line communities building an equitable, regenerative economy.
Dr en Sciences de gestion-Management-Empowerment-Marketing santé /Chercheure associée Lab. VALLOREM Tours-Orléans /Auteure-prod THESE ET ANTITHESE/ Adm. Crédit Agricole Centre Ouest/ Fondatrice
1 年To enrich the movement I suggest this article?
Below are two ideas for how philanthropy might better tackle the climate problem: ? Idea #1) Set up a “Center for Lowest-Cost Climate Policy” ? Set up a research initiative that determines how to tackle climate change at the lowest cost. This might form the basis for a new national plan that significantly reduces CO2 over a reasonable duration while observing economic, political and technical principles. For an example FREE climate plan, see ? Idea #2) Set up a “Center for Climate R&D Moonshots” ? A “Climate Moonshot” might be defined as a large R&D initiative that significantly reduces decarbonization costs and focuses on areas currently not being tackled. One might engage each moonshot with the following steps: (a) establish a goal, (b) write a several page summary, (c) pay researchers on the order of $10K to write proposals to implement that described in the summary, (d) fund initial R&D, and (e) proceed with more proposals and more money if project appears economically and technically feasible. In theory, one could explore multiple moonshots with a $1M fund that supports 100 proposals. For a list of 15 potential climate moonshots, see Section IV of climate book “A Plan to Save the Planet”.?
I read books, drink coffee, write content, drink iced coffee, and fight evil, but not necessarily in that order. I try and Pay-It-Forward daily in words and deeds, and also a fighter for the less fortunate.
1 年I agree with you 100%, that is why I am posting my latest essay on all the social media sites. It is titled: Climate Change is a product of our consumerist society . Think of volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, tsunamis and earthquakes. All these things are considered ‘natural disasters’ - nothing to do with human impact. And why should climate change be any different? It just a part of nature. Significant changes in the?Earth’s temperature have been occurring since geological time so why has it all of a sudden become such a big deal? It’s simply a natural phase our Earth is going through. Its claimed that?Carbon Dioxide?emissions are what has got us to this point but less than 0.0022 % of those emissions are actually man made, meaning that majority of them are naturally emitted from the mantle of the Earth.