Philanthropic Spotlight
Daniel Hernandez
Florida International University | Translational Glycobiologist | CPR Instructor | Aspiring Physician | Chess Competitor | BBQ Enthusiast
Giving to a cause could be done through many different avenues. For starters, allocating resources such as money and time is considered a common form of giving back. However, philanthropy extends beyond those two resources. Just as important as it is to donate, others make it their mission to raise awareness. Shedding light on social issues that affect people across the world is powerful. In our society today, we are connected more than ever. Accessing news from our fingertips anywhere we go is a tool philanthropist use to their advantage. Social media's ability to share a video with millions of people to push for change has changed many lives and systems worldwide. Now more than ever, pop stars and celebrities use their publicity and media attention to bring awareness to various issues. Moreover, their efforts to bring about social change inspire others to do the same. Being philanthropic on a global scale using social awareness is a characteristic that contributes to changing the world.
Many artists and celebrities are taking this approach. Although spreading awareness for social causes is not new among the Hollywood community, the causes they support have changed quite a bit. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic left a burden on many families, workers, and businesses across the world. Its harmful effects left many countries in shambles and individuals ill with serious sequellas. Being a unified front after a trying time like this is crucial. Not only to relieve the effects COVID-19 had on the population but also to prevent it from it sickening people again. Artists like Rihanna and Leonardo DiCaprio have come together to raise money for COVID -19 causes, including the World Health Organization's (WHO) COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund and America's Food Fund. These initiatives look to provide relief for low-income, underrepresented communities struggling with COVID-19. Their endorsements and donations play a significant role in addressing the issues many people still face today.?
As a college student, sometimes I think about my influence and impact. How could I contribute to the things that need the most attention in society? I do not have a large following or influence among "fans" like celebrities do. Many of us would like to have the influence that comes with fame and change many of the social issues in the world. However, that is not necessary in order to leave an impact or at least spread the word. I will not suggest that simply speaking about a social issue, you would like to see change is enough to be considered philanthropic. Words need to be supported by actions. That being said, I encourage you to go out there in your community and address the need for something, big or small. We underestimate the impact we can have on our local communities, so go out there, advertise your cause, and create some change! #fiuphilanthropy