Phil Slattery's Books are Free on #FictionFriday until May 12.
Phil Slattery
Founder of Rural Fiction Magazine, a magazine exploring the beauty and drama of rural life & of those with rural connections. Seeking submissions of short fiction & poetry from any country. All works must be in English.
As a promotional campaign, my e-books available on Kindle will be free on Fiction Friday. On some days only one will be available, but on most two will be. Here are the works and the dates as they stand as of March 13, 2017. I will endeavor to keep this campaign rolling on past May 19 as far as possible.
The Scent and Other Stories: The Dark Side of Love — March 17, April 7, April 28, May 5, and May 19. In this collection of short stories, I explore the dark, sometimes violent, sometimes twisted, sometimes touching side of love, the side kept not only from public view, but sometimes from our mates. Set in the modern era, these stories range from regretting losing a lover to forbidden interracial love in the hills of 1970’s Kentucky to a mother’s deathbed confession in present-day New Mexico to debating pursuing a hateful man’s wife to the callous manipulation of a lover in Texas. Available at
A Tale of Hell and Other Works: Stories of Wizards, Werewolves, Serial Killers, Alien Worlds, and the Damned — March 24, March 31, April 14, May 12, and May 19.
In this collection of published and previously unpublished stories of horror, Phil Slattery offers a look into the minds of people who perpetrate horrors, from acts of stupidity with unintended results to cold-hearted revenge to pure enjoyment to complete indifference. Settings range from 17th-century France in the heart of the werewolf trials to the Old West to the present and on to alien worlds in the distant future. Available at
Click: A Police Thriller of Murder and Conspiracy on a Small Texas Island — March 17, March 24, March 31, April 21, and May 12. Frank Martinez, a policeman with the Corpus Christi Police Department, has unintentionally shot and killed an unarmed man when called to intercede in a domestic violence case. To recover from the guilt while the incident is under investigation by the CCPD, Frank’s fiancée arranges for him to stay on a secluded island owned by her father’s former law partner. While dozing one night on a lounge chair in the yard, he awakes to find two hitmen slipping onto the island and breaking into the cabin. Are they after him? Are they after the cabin’s owner? Most importantly, how is he going to reach his pistol in his luggage in the bedroom?
Reader Charles Stacey gave “Click” five stars and commented: “Author has a wonderful ability to develop the characters using few words. Great foreshadowing to build suspense. And then a really outstanding twist at the end that left me smiling.” Available at