While speaking at a conference, Phil Knight asked the audience members to stand up if they've ever run for exercise.
Many of them stood.
He then told them to keep standing if they run for exercise at least once a week.
Many of them sat back down.
He then told them to keep standing if they run at least three times a week, rain or shine, regardless of the weather.
By then, only a handful of people in the audience remained standing.
He looked out at those people standing up and said, "The next time you're out there before the sun is up, it's dark, it's cold, it's wet, and you're running by yourself, we're the ones standing under the lamp post cheering you on."
That's how Phil Knight described his company, Nike.
When people ask what you do for a living, do you respond with your title...or do you respond with your mission?
When you can clearly articulate your mission, it changes how you approach the day-to-day tasks required of your title.
Better yet, can you articulate your mission to those you lead?