The phenomenological nature of the fundamental
Viviana Polisena
Global AI Ethics Consortium: GAIEC. Center for AI and Digital Policy: CAIDP. Israeli Association for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: IAEAI. Expert at European Commission. Philosopher.
TOTA PULCHRA. Italia. 16/05/2022
[1] The third phenomenological reduction beyond Husserl (transcendental, equivalent to a constitution of objects) and Heidegger (existential, puts the existing entity into practice) is the pure form of the call allowing counter–transcendental givenness, which gives us the possibility of reducing the saturated phenomenon. The third reduction amplifies the concepts and makes it possible to speak of categorical and universal intuition, that is to say of the unconditional primacy of the givenness of the phenomenon. Phenomenology shows this involves letting the appearance appear in such a way that it achieves its full appearance. The radical reduction, the giving of transcendence into immanence, dissolves appearances and false realities; thus givenness establishes the stages of phenomenality (Jean–Luc Marion).